Daily archives: September 13, 2008

Tweets today

22:28 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/4xbqz6 #

12:15 Too much beer or too much bowling has made me all achey. #

13:18 Shaky hungover hands aren’t good for inking, but the new finer nibs are still better. #

17:08 @dcpearce antique furniture. It has more character and retains its value better. (Or just go to Ikea like the rest of us :-P) #

17:25 Blog: Ike offer to take a paternity test again tinyurl.com/6c4xnk #

20:29 Blog: We’re having a Magnum party tinyurl.com/572nxs #

20:51 Was the devil left handed? Is there a passage in the bible about it? #

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