Daily archives: October 3, 2008

Tweets today

22:29 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/3u9g2t #

10:29 Blog: Kung Fu election tinyurl.com/3zqqzu #

11:30 Blog: 80% of teachers don’t want the cane back in schools tinyurl.com/4p2aqm #

11:30 Blog: USS Intrepid returns to Manhattan a year and a bit too late tinyurl.com/5xu3jw #

19:04 Just inked the best page yet. And there’s not even any sex on it. #

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USS Intrepid returns to Manhattan a year and a bit too late

The floating museum that is the World War 2 aircraft carrier USS Intrepid has returned to its berth in the Hudson river off Manhattan. After Harry told me about it I really wanted to go and check it out when I was over there last year, so Skippy and I headed off in search of it and were disappointed to find it wasn’t there. We did get a few interesting pictures and drink some nice beers though, so it wasn’t a complete loss.