Daily archives: December 30, 2008

Tweets today

23:22 Blog: We’ve been playing with fire! tinyurl.com/7th9ke #

23:35 Today the world. Tomorrow, Dundee. #

04:21 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/8m2u6s #

10:58 Let’s see what Dundee has to offer. #

14:22 Blog: Ike rides the dragon tinyurl.com/9tpeg3 #

14:22 Blog: JOE124 tinyurl.com/98z5cc #

17:23 Blog: JOE116 tinyurl.com/9r4hta #

20:07 Phone Jenga anyone? #

20:29 Oh no! Naked Tigger! And before I’d eaten too. #

21:42 Gene therapy will one day give us breast milk that tastes of beer. #

22:25 I have never……… #

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Ike rides the dragon

Ike rides the dragon, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Dundee likes its statues. I realised last night that I’m Ike’s mascot and he just takes me on all his adventures because he feels sorry for me.

Tweets today

09:47 When does Glasgow wake up? #

11:03 You pretend you’re high. You pretend you’re bored. You pretend you’re anything, just to be adored. #

12:08 Time for tea. #

13:20 Blog: JOE117 tinyurl.com/962maf #

13:20 Blog: JOE122 tinyurl.com/8hsd6o #

13:52 Someone needs to make pink and blue camouflage pattern baby clothes for sprogs of unknown gender. #

14:52 Just used the Apple store to check spinneyhead is still up and my posts are making it. #

16:22 Blog: JOE121 tinyurl.com/7vmd5z #

16:22 Blog: Ike has made a furry friend tinyurl.com/9zo2vc #

21:12 Sweet and sour haggis? #

21:37 Smiley face airbursts. Watchmen the fireworks display. #

23:22 Blog: We’ve been playing with fire! tinyurl.com/7th9ke #

23:35 Today the world. Tomorrow, Dundee. #

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