Daily archives: April 3, 2009

Tweets today

00:21 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/c4395x #

01:29 On Two Wheels- Viagra helps you ride faster tinyurl.com/czeyb9 #

11:00 @DimitriMOMB a foot in the bush gathers a Vivid Video contract. #

11:01 I think I just sorted out my first review bike. I shall be going single speed for a week or so after Easter! #

11:35 I have glimpsed the bottom of the washing basket. The challenge now is to reach it. #

13:21 Blog: Gomez – A New Tide tinyurl.com/cz2hoo #

13:33 On Two Wheels- I Bike Manchester continues tinyurl.com/ckpmyh #

16:29 Got to the studio THEN realised I should have packed the folder with my art in it. There’s other projects. #

18:40 After spending the week worrying about a slow puncture on the back tyre I in and get a proper one on the front. #

19:22 I was going to write something about dumb drivers. Then I rode into the back of a Merc on the way home. May still write about dumb drivers. #

20:10 On Two Wheels- Send me your bike shops tinyurl.com/cq7zwz #

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Gomez – A New Tide

I will buy a new album by Gomez without hearing any of the songs on it. So far, only Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline has come close to being a disappointment.

So I just got A New Tide and I’m loving their lush sounds again. The sun’s even come out for them.

They’re playing Manchester Academy on the 30th. I’d rush out and buy tickets. If I hadn’t already got some for Jim Bob doing an acoustic set in The Lass O’ Gowrie on the same night. If I wasn’t listening to such good music I’d be annoyed about that.