Daily archives: April 21, 2009

Tweets today

23:21 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/cx75t8 #

02:45 On Two Wheels- Living with a single speed- lazy, sunny afternoons tinyurl.com/ckabjl #

12:21 Blog: Go Bananaz tinyurl.com/c5dqen #

13:29 Into town for free Ben & Jerry’s (hopefully) then research/notes and maybe some time in the studio. #

14:20 Free Ben & Jerry’s FTW. #

14:22 Blog: Mongrels- Who let the GODs out? Part four tinyurl.com/cyqxnv #

15:39 First draft of Venn short "The Delivery" #done #

15:58 First draft of Venn super short "Sixty" #done #

20:23 Blog: Your own personal currency tinyurl.com/d3ntyu #

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Your own personal currency 2

I’m in research mode for Sounds of Soldiers, but this article on DIY currencies came along of its own accord. Most of the currencies discussed in the article are virtual and tradeable by mobile phone. In the first draft of Sounds of Soldiers the Levenshulme based currency- the Levy- has been imagined as a tangible item, paper chits or coins. Perhaps it might work better as an electronic unit. I shall have to consider how it will best fit into my story’s world.