Daily archives: June 23, 2009

Apologies for the lack of activity on Spinneyhead

But I’ve been busy with various things, as the reposted tweets may have made obvious.

Okay, admittedly I lost most of Sunday to a hangover, but for the last two days I’ve spent a lot of my time editing together 60, the venn.tv short for the Not Part Of festival. The timing’s settled, but there’s still a bit of colour correction and the old split screens to put in.

I’ve also done a little bit of work on Shall We Take A Trip?, my erotic comic project. I’ve got one page left to draw, and front and back covers, then I’ll go through and re-letter it before packaging and selling it.

And I’m still working on Sounds of Soldiers, trying to get the first draft finished. I’m currently struggling with rewriting one of the chapters and there are a few that still need writing from scratch. When the first draft’s finished I have an idea for getting it edited and copy checked. I’ll tell you more nearer the time.

There’s going to be a rash of Spinneyhead product soon, but for now it’s all a bit quiet.

Tweets today

23:47 Blog: On the set of 60 tinyurl.com/mujzt4 #

23:47 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/mv8fyd #

23:47 Presents: On set photos from filming 60 tinyurl.com/laajcz #

16:45 Taking the hand lettering out of Shall We Take A Trip? pages so I can rescript it and make it tidier. not challenging, but important, work. #

17:09 You’ve got the brawn, I’ve got the brains. Let’s make lots of money. #

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