Daily archives: November 28, 2009

Days of the Corn Exchange

Whilst in the Corn Exchange earlier my sister and I checked out a mini exhibition on the history of the “Triangle” (as it now wants to be called) and reminisced about its shabbier glory days. I thought I’d go looking for remnants of the Exchange online. Didn’t find mny links.

A few pictures of Fennel Corner bookshop, which I almost certainly visited.

Exhibition of model planes, Manchester Corn Exchange, March 1956.

The Bead shop’s history. I don’t remember it in the Corn Exchange but I’m certain I’ve visited its Afflecks incarnation.

The Corn Exchange, on the other hand, is dying

With between a third and a half of its units empty it has to be in a bad way. I think the management of the "Triangle" should take a hint from the Christmas markets, and hark back to the buildings previous incarnation, and let spaces as short term, multi tenant mini flea markets.

The Christmas markets are taking over the world

Every year they cover more of the city centre. And that’s a good thing. There’s a fair amount of tat, to be sure, but there’s a lot of independent spirit too.