….Tim Montgomerie doesn’t have much to worry about. Montgomerie runs the ConservativeHome blog/website and is a key member of the Christian Conservative Fellowship. Despite such a dodgy pedigree he has come out to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. In fact, it would be a good thing for society–
It is because I value marriage so much that I have come to believe it should be extended to gay people and not kept exclusive. Because it is so beneficial an institution it should be enlarged rather than fossilised.
The fossils are predictably upset by what is a fairly reasonable reading of the benefits of gay marriage. Richard Carvath- God’s self-appointed bigot in Salford- weighed in with his usual illogic (I’ve removed the link because the original post has been deleted and there’s no point sending you to an empty page. Luckily my RSS reader had it cached, so there’s a copy of it below).
Tim, understand that you are a traitor to Conservatism and, moreover, you are betraying Christ and mocking God in your support for the destruction of marriage and in your advocacy of evil perversion. You are in active rebellion against God; be very clear that in supporting the destruction of marriage you have chosen to place yourself at the right hand of Satan.
There’s never a coherent explanation of exactly how gay marriage is going to so completely and easily destroy “traditional” marriage when someone has one of these rants. Straight folk are still going to be allowed to wed. Those of us who aren’t pathetic bigots run the risk of going to more weddings- which’ll be a bit more expensive and tiring- but that’s the only way most of us are going to be affected.
[I have missed Carvath’s uninformed bigotry since he took some sort of sabbatical. Hopefully now he’s back to being a regular source of amusement.]
Update: Carvath has taken his post down. He does that a lot. Fortunately, my RSS reader has it cached-
Living a Lie: the Madness of Montgomerie
Over the last couple of years this blog has become a cult blog for mainstream British Conservatives. This blog’s popularity is partly down to the fact that I say what I say openly rather than anonymously, and partly because it is a platform which has given an online public voice to grassroots Conservatives’ offline views and discussions. Probably because I am an evangelical Christian – as well as a fellow conservative – I have to say I’ve been deluged by approaches from so many Conservatives in recent weeks in response to The Madness of Tim Montgomerie. Conservatives are appalled and horrified by Tim Montgomerie’s loss of the plot. I’ve been asked to write this blog on behalf of all genuine Conservatives – and evangelical Christians in particular – to urge Tim to come to his senses:
Dear Tim,
You identify yourself as a ‘Conservative’ and a ‘Christian’ and yet you support the destruction of marriage and endorse evil behaviour. On behalf of Christians and Conservatives throughout the UK, I must point out to you that you are not one of us.
We were horrified to read of Stonewall boss Ben Summerskill gloating over you when he said: “We’re delighted that, having heard the arguments, one of Britain’s most influential evangelical Christians is now able fully to support marriage for gay people without compromising his faith in any way.”
Tim, understand that you are a traitor to Conservatism and, moreover, you are betraying Christ and mocking God in your support for the destruction of marriage and in your advocacy of evil perversion. You are in active rebellion against God; be very clear that in supporting the destruction of marriage you have chosen to place yourself at the right hand of Satan.
Your support for the destruction of marriage is emphatically not God’s will; in seeking to destroy marriage you are doing the bidding of your real master Satan. Tim, you claim to be a Christian… but you are living a lie.
You were seduced away from the truth when you began to idolise your own status within the Conservative Party and put yourself and your career before God, before sound principle and before the best interests of the British people.
Have you any idea just how devastating the destruction of marriage will be if you get your evil way? Tim… Wake up! Repent!
Yours sincerely,
Combining the two looks like you can be at the right hand of Satan without burning in hell.
However, the original page you linked to isn’t published anymore. I’d have liked to have seen the text in context.
Sorry, the code tags didn’t work. Here’s the text in plain I was referring to:
“As an evangelical Christian of 14 years, I have never, ever heard any evangelical Christian in private conversation, at church or in the general public arena come out with a “Rot in Hell” or “Burn in Hell” phrase about HPs. It is a complete myth that Christians might speak in this way.”
Dicky likes to put posts up for brief periods and take them down again. I don’t know what he thinks it achieves.
However, the post was cached in my RSS reader so I’ve pasted it into the post above so you can get an idea of the context.
Keep up the good work in publicising the rants that dear old Dickie boy keeps churning out albeit briefly before they are hastily retracted (but not before the internet assists in keeping a copy!)
I’ve taken the liberty of putting a few cache searches on http://www.dixgood.wordpress.com to remind us all about Richard’s alter egos Jennifer Dixgood-Jones and Roxy Redpants who used to blog about Richard in extremely positive ways.
I know Richard likes to read your blog and is a champion of free speech (except if it means allowing comments on his blog or letting you follow him on twitter which are not allowed) so this is just for him:
“If you don’t like gay marriage then don’t marry a gay.”