Daily archives: June 2, 2013

Daily Blog 06/02/2013

  • Suspended spaces are an inevitable component of the cityscape: paradoxically, as pockets of inactivity they are a byproduct of a dynamic, changing urban environment. Stalled transitions between the past and the future, suspended spaces demonstrate what can happen when plans meet a hostile reality, but also how we can, at least on occasion, find innovative interim uses for the resulting land. Some suspended spaces are gems; others are eyesores, but they are a fascinating and important part of our city’s story. Take the tour, discover your own suspended spaces and add them to the map.

    tags: manchester cities abandoned

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Manchester Day Parade 1

Manchester Day Parade, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I just watched the parade on Deansgate. It’s still going on and hasn’t finished its return loop yet. This is the Air Training Corps, making me fear for the future of our armed forces by going the wrong way.

More pictures when I’ve edited and uploaded the ones from the camera.