Monthly archives: June 2013

Daily Blog 06/30/2013

  • Located in the market town of Cockermouth in northern England’s Lake District, J.B.Banks & Son Ltd ironmongers and hardware shop was established in 1836. To date, this spellbinding shop has survived two serious floods and three truck crashes, and boasts a counter-top decorated with keys and pre-decimal coins, an ornate National Cash Register and an enchanting chiming clock.

    tags: cumbria

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Ooh look, a parade

Ooh look, a parade, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

That’s the beauty of this city. You go into town to buy some cds, and you bump into a bike ride on closed roads on the way in then a parade on the way out. I think it’s a celebration of Manchester’s Italian (or Scottish, given the pipe bands) community. Feel free to correct me.

Could be here a while

Could be here a while, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

On Thursday my pc fell over so seriously that, after two days of trying to fix the booting issues, I installed Windows again.

This morning, it’s told me it needs to catch up on a few updates rolled out since the factory install disk was burnt.

I’m off out. It may have sorted itself by the time I get back.

A Hi-Fi in your pocket

Some times, I’d like to listen to music when I’m out and about. But I have no desire for an iPod, and I don’t want to use my phone as a music player. And I work for a company that sells hifis, so I aspire to something better than an Apple product. So today I went looking for portable media players that could do justice to high quality files. I haven’t had a chance to test any of them, but I found a few with very impressive specifications, with prices to match.

At the top end of the price range, coming in at over a grand, is the Astell & Kern AK120. It’s very stylishly finished and can hold up to 192Gb of music, thanks to two micro SD card slots. It also has very potent digital to analogue conversion, capable of decoding “master tape quality” files (24bit/192kHZ, CD quality is 16bit/44.1kHZ) and outputting them at the quality they deserve. (You’ll need to get headphones worthy of the output, though, and that could easily be several hundred pounds more). The AK120 is for someone who travels first class and wants the sound to go with it, not we pleb s who catch the bus.

There is an AK100, which comes in at about half the price. It has less storage and lower grade (but still very good) components, but should still provide excellent audio.

Coming in at about the same price as the AK100, and looking gorgeous, is the Colorfly C4. I think it lacks some of the clever features of the AK100, but just look at that lovely walnut case.

Closer to the price of an iPod, and something I might be able to afford, is the C4’s little brother, the Colorfly C3. It only sports 8Gb, but it’s also not up to master quality audio, just CD quality, so the files you stick on it are going to be smaller. You’d need to get earphones or headphones worth £50 or so to match the quality of the output, of course, but it would be worth it.

It’s time to start saving.