Daily archives: July 13, 2013

Daily Blog 07/13/2013

  • Let’s put this out there, right off the bat. Nuclear weapons are insane. Loony. Absolutely nuts. Usually though, someone somewhere can make an argument for their theoretical use that would involve maximum harm to the enemy with minimal damage to yourself. Sometimes, though, that equation goes wrong.

    tags: nuclear weapons

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Another fire in the Northern Quarter

Another fire in the Northern Quarter, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

This one is in The Twisted Wheel (aka Moho Live? I can’t remember). I can’t be the only person suspicious that this is the third in as many months.

Update The fire actually started in Paul’s Hair world, on the other side of the building from this pictue. One fireman died fighting the fire, and two teenage girls have been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter.