Daily archives: May 23, 2015

Nicely done Ireland

The country becomes the first in the world to introduce same-sex marriage after a national referendum, with 62 per cent voting yes.

Ireland has voted to recognise same sex marriag, with a turnout of 60%, of whom 62% voted yes to rewording their constitution on the subject of marriage.

Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.


Source: Ireland votes overwhelmingly for gay marriage – Channel 4 News

We Experimented With Powdered Alcohol So You Don’t Have To | WIRED

Do safety concerns around powdered alcohol have any base in reality?

Powdered alcohol is a thing. Don’t know if it will ever be available in the UK. In the US, where it’s not on sale yet, there’s already a huge moral panic over it. Wired had one mad person mix up a home made version to see if there was any basis to the fears.

Result? Of course there wasn’t.

Source: We Experimented With Powdered Alcohol So You Don’t Have To | WIRED