Daily archives: May 12, 2023

I guess I’m a little bit Luddite

In the tradition of the original Luddites, though. As a writer, and occasional artist, I find the whole ChatGPT craze wrong headed and possibly even a danger to what little I currently earn from my creative work.

Just like in the time of the mills, it’s the wealthy and lazy who will gain the most from this technology, at the expense of the struggling artist and artisan.


We need to boycott this government

Yet another attack on free speech by this Tory government. I bet most of the Free Speech Absolutists, who are so eager for the freedom to be bigoted, are silent on this.

UK anti-boycott bill is attack on freedom of expression, say civil society groups | Protest | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/12/uk-anti-boycott-bill-is-attack-on-freedom-of-expression-say-civil-society-groups

Anything for views

‘Plane crash YouTube’ could become the description of the worst kinds of stunt done to clickbait views. It’s obvious that, just like television, an amount of content on YouTube is scripted and skewed to get views. But deliberately crashing a plane has to be a first.
