Monthly archives: August 2023

VIP abuse ‘liars’ to be investigated after seven-year delay

I wrote a novel, ‘Solstice’, partly inspired by the claims about VIP child abuse rings. Finding out they were all lies led to me unpublishing the book. It’s taken the Metropolitan Police two more years to investigate some of the liars.

Boiling the democratic frog

The frog in a pan of water- not registering the rising temperature until too late- has been used as an analogy for climate change for years. In this article, it’s used in reference to British democracy, fading away with every attack on protest and gag on charities. It’s imperative we get rid of the Tories, but that’s just a first step.

The world’s most powerful democracies were built on the suffering of others

What was the line ascribed to Churchill? “Democracy is a terrible system, but it’s better than the alternatives.” Or something similar.

The linked article argues that the Western model of democracy is flawed, and in many cases not even truly democratic. We need to improve, and face up to some dark history, before we can legitimately claim that what we have is the best system.