Yearly archives: 2024

Talking to yourself

When I’m alone, and sometimes when I’m not, my inner speech becomes outer speech as I think my way through problems and action plans. That voice in your head is now being studied by philosophers as psychologists have found limits to their understanding of it.

We are governed by thin skinned wankers

Unable to cope with their constant failures being reported, Tory ministers are stoking the culture wars against the BBC again.

The BBC is far from perfect, and studies have shown it’s more likely to side with the establishment. But what the Tories want is to force it to be a propaganda machine paid for by the people it tells their lies to.

Death to the Tory party

Personally, I think the best result in this year’s general election- for the long term health of the country, planet and democracy- would be Labour winning a majority just small enough they have to rely upon votes from Green and other MPs to guarantee bills pass. They could be forced into concessions on the environment, proportional representation, and progressive taxes that they’d be too cowardly to make by themselves.

On the other hand, the utter collapse of the Conservative party would do wonders for the mental health of the nation.

Should Trump be tried for murder?

(Manslaughter would be a more plausible charge, but murder makes a better headline.)

Hydroxychloroquine used to treat Covid 19 killed people. A study has estimated that there were around 17,000 deaths where the drug was involved. With all the overlapping factors of pandemic medicine it’s hard to give a number where it was the primary cause. But there can be little doubt there were people who would have lived if they hadn’t taken it.

So what should be done about all the people promoting it at the time, such as Trump? I’m sure some were out to profit from it, playing stock market games with tragedies. Trump, I think, was primarily stupid, grasping at anything to distract from how badly he was handling the whole situation. I’d still like to see him face some consequences. Maybe this could be added to the 90+ criminal cases, and who knows how many civil ones, that he faces.

The return of Smersh

Not just a name from Bond stories, Smersh (“Death to spies”) was a real organisation. As much an instrument of terror to control the civilian population as an intelligence unit, it was responsible for thousands of deaths on its own side.

Now the name has resurfaced in the Ukraine war, though it’s unclear whether there’s a new version of the organisation operating or if it’s just being used for propaganda purposes.

The conspiracy to choke us all on exhaust fumes

Tory attempts to destroy schemes promoting walking and cycling were heavily influenced by conspiracy theories.

At the point where they’re governing by tin foil hat, the Conservative Party needs to be destroyed. Not just voted out of power, but comprehensively dismantled, with some of them serving well deserved prison sentences.

Project City part 2- The Dashboard

Just a quick one for this stage of the build, the dash didn’t need as much detailing as the door panels. I added a stereo system, and the newly designed vent mounting coffee cup holder. All the Spinneyworld shop items used in this build can be found at

The Microace Honda City is available from Hobbylink Japan (affiliate link).