Dr. Who

The Museum of Classic Sci-Fi

The drive from Penrith to Allendale was an adventure in itself, and the Museum of Classic Sci-Fi was one of those surprising, eccentric gems you find in the oddest of places.

It’s fitting that a museum with a lot of Dr Who memorabilia should pack so much into a relatively tiny space. This is just a sample of what they’ve got, and doesn’t include any of the promotional announcements by Davros!

If your in the Allendale area, you should definitely drop in. Check opening times though.

Airfix Tardis

The first new kits announced by Airfix after being bought by Hornby are a bunch of Doctor Who tie-ins. I’d quite like a model Tardis. The report says it will be eight inches tall. Assuming the phone box is seven or eight feet tall, that would make the model 1:12th scale, or thereabouts (if the maths had been any harder I’d have given up, and the height of the TArdis is an assumption).

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