Daily archives: February 25, 2003


The CIA and Special Forces have been given carte blanche to kill terrorist suspects anywhere in the world. Would they, could they, carry out such a hit in the UK? We have a couple of Death to the Infidel clerics, and an even larger number of politicised, but only guilty by association, lecturers and other Muslims. Back in the good old days, Jack Straw refused to extradite 9/11 suspects to a country where they would face the death penalty. If that happened again would we be faced with the prospect of black clad deniable killers loose in Brick Lane and the back alleys of Longsight?

I feel a DEx plot brewing.

Juiced Moose

A little something to remind Mr. O of his Norwegian heritage- Moose in Norway have been eating fermented fruit from last Summer’s bountiful harvest and getting drunk.

“This is the first time I have heard that moose are getting drunk. But I assume that they react the same way people do to intoxication – some become harmless while others are the exact opposite,” said district veterinarian Paul Stamberg in Kristiansand.

Terrorism by other means?

I just posted this on the Sounds of Soldiers blog, and thought I’d share it here- The CIA and Special Forces have been given carte blanche to kill terrorist suspects anywhere in the world. Would they, could they, carry out such a hit in the UK? We have a couple of Death to the Infidel clerics, and an even larger number of politicised, but only guilty by association, lecturers and other Muslims. Back in the good old days, Jack Straw refused to extradite 9/11 suspects to a country where they would face the death penalty. If that happened again would we be faced with the prospect of black clad deniable killers loose in Brick Lane and the back alleys of Longsight?


The US midterms last year used electronic polling, which was great from a geeky point of view. But there were errors, a lot of errors. I’ve screwed up enough software to know that a few things will go wrong, more the larger the system. But, when most, if not all, of the errors are in the Republicans’ favour and so many of the companies providing the systems are owned by their cronies, you begin to wonder.

via Michael Moore


I’ve long asserted that I’m allergic to Daz. Now it seems I’m allergic to his parents (or their furniture, at least) as well. The chair response was an extreme version of the hayfever-y symptoms I’d been getting all weekend from the dust raised in the move.

Got basic CSS, don’t know anything about layers. Please feel free to send any and all information on.

PS Please ignore the upcoming emailed post about lack of Internet access. It doesn’t seem to have arrived. Oh well.

Comfy chair allergy?

Ian, your response to the chair sounds like an allergic reaction. Think this may be related to the whole masochism thing. Your body clearly rejects the whole idea of sitting in a comfy chair and demands that you return to your lumpy futon. Seriously though, if you actually felt a constriction in your throat it could be an allergy.

On the Mozilla front, I just moved to version 1.3 beta and the site works okay now. However I would recommend moving to CSS and layers and can provide tools to build the page (and advice on Blogger integration).

The Chair of DEATH

I can breathe! I like breathing, it’s one of the things that separates me from dead people. As part of the house move we went through the time honoured tradition of trying to beg, borrow or steal furniture. Daz’s parents came through, with a big ugly comfy chair for slouching and watching the TV. Except, well, it was a smoker’s chair and the stale fag smell has permeated to its very core (oh, okay, I exaggerate, but I wanted to use the word ‘permeated’ in a post). Within less than five minutes of sitting in the chair my throat started to constrict and I was wheezing. It got a lot worse when I went to bed, with the wheeze progressing to painful hacking coughs and a horrible death rattle/ water on the lungs noise when I tried to breathe. I was beginning to worry that, should I be able to fall asleep, mucus would flood my lungs and I’d never wake. That didn’t happen, but it wasn’t pleasant. The chair is going to be Febreze’d, vac’d and beaten into submission.

Thanks are also due to Alan and Steph for equipment and muscle loaned during the move. Sadly, not even a Vax could lift the stains on the carpet, but I did manage to keep a straight face when the nice lady from the agency said I had obviously looked after the house.

Plans to Puce up the website are on hold, due to my not knowing just what colour Puce is.

It’s good to see the SUA moderating its demands, John has agreed that he doesn’t really need a jacuzzi and he’ll just fart in the bath like everyone else. However, I feel I have to return with a few minor counter demands if this site is to be unionised.

-Spelling and grammar. That means you , Mr. O. Your ‘president’ has problems with the English language, but you’re better than him, so check before you post.

-Help with the Mozilla thing. It’s tables! Surely they are one of the simplest pieces of HTML going. Please don’t tell me Microsoft have screwed with tables.

-A floor to sleep on come Edinburgh Festival and/ or Hogmanay.

-Use of the swivel chair in all future negotiations.

I’m not a masochist, just too damn lazy to go and find another supplier for my broadband.

All Woman and I want to marry her

Ellen MacArthur has lost her bid to sale around the world as the mast and rigging have gone afloat in the South Pacific. A collegue of mine passed over the article in the Times and I have found it online. She is the bomb, even if she failed this time, she has more courage and strength than a so many others, male or female. She inspires the best in all us. Read her dispatch direct from the boat here.

“Just three hours ago I was having stitches put in my hand after cutting it open when a rope ripped through it in a manoeuvre. An hour ago I was cutting through rigging as if there was no tomorrow. Now even that seems irrelevant � no longer are we living each day for our 24-hour distance run or thinking about every aspect of boatspeed. Our attempt to break the 64-day record, the Jules Verne, is over”

Super Best friends

Just qucik before dashing off to the office, this morning the New York Times reports GW Bush has called for a second resolution mainly to help Tony Blair. Isn’t that sweet? They should just go full hog and rent a room together…..

On another war front, what is the Washington Times doing with an article about US strategy to win a South Korea – US war against North Korea? Time to get really scared. Did you notice the congestion charge has gone done a treat? Swine.

I have found another new band and I must admit they are really good. It was only a matter of time before a band took the name, The Postal Service. Good stuff.

Just my luck as the damn report can’t be saved to disk! Mierde.