Which stereotype are you?
Found this fun mini quiz via Popcorn. Perhaps unsurprisingly I am a nerd.
Found this fun mini quiz via Popcorn. Perhaps unsurprisingly I am a nerd.
The Holy Rollerz Christian Car Club, hot-roddin’ for the Lord.
via Jackie Treehorn
You can now get BNP flavoured ringtones and images for your mobile phone. I guess it might help us spot them.
(No link, because racists don’t deserve them.)
Last week Mum sent me two big tubs of multivitamins, which I’m taking when I remember. Not scarfing down on them is probably for the best now that they’re bad for me.
Too much of anything is going to be bad for you, just as too little of some things is a no-no. Of course, someone has to define the values of too much and too little, but some common sense would be useful.
Download your own desktop theremin complete with backing tracks and sampled sounds. A bit too much like Portishead for me though.
Someone over at FreeRepublic came off his meds and posted this to me-
After 9/11, Most Americans have been Forced to re-evaluate our “Loyalties!”
As a General Rule, We have “Fallen Back On” our Old, Established, Reliable Allies!
It Seems That America ALWAYS “Falls Back” on our English-Speaking Ancestors & Allies–The British, Scottish, Australians, Irish, & SOME Canadiens! (&, OF COURSE, The New Zealanders!!)
After the Events of the 2nd Iraq War, Our Allies are OBVIOUS!
For Some Perverted & Unclear Reason, the non-English-speaking nations of our Fragile World can NOT “See Their Way” to join us in Our attempt to stabilize the scattered Political systems of our modern, 21’st Century World!!
If WE–The English-Speakers of our Species–Are To Be the Representatives of our Species who “Go to the Stars,”–Then, SO BE IT!!
There is YET TO BE ANY evidence that ANY OTHER CULTURE besides English-speaking ones has the Capability or the WILL to “Go to the Stars!!”
Without a Dream to “Go to the Stars,” NO EARTHBOUND CULTURE is worth Humankind’s attention
The Acquisition of Earthly Political Power is Meaningless absent a Commitment to “GO TO THE STARS!!”
Which I found highly amusing as I’d just been over at Die Puny Humans and read about the Japanese plans for a Space Shuttle. Reusable transports seem like a good first step into space exploration to me.
Ever had wondered about those annoying questions in life like, why do pigeons bob there heads, or why do I feel tired after getting too much sleep?
Well, help is at hand in the form of The straight Dope.
Ben Hammersley, in the Grauniad, reckons the internet is the place to find the next batch of great writers. That’s me he’s talking about! Me! You hear!!!
Sorry, got carried away. Check out Heavensent, which is where I’m posting first draft snippets of my propellerpunk novel as and when they’re written, as well as all the drafts of the chapters.
and its not one of Team Spinneyhead either.
Hands up if you remember this