Daily archives: June 15, 2003

Wish List 2

Okay, so I’m feeling a little greedy today. And I’ve been wandering around bookshops both real and virtual, which always gives me a hankering for printed matter. Added to the wish list are-

Branded by Alissa Quart, about the global conglomo-corps attempts to dominate the teen market. Pretty much a companion piece to No Logo.

Fat Land by Greg Critser. How America came to have the fattest population on the planet (bar, apparently, a couple of Polynesian islands).

The Geurilla Film Maker’s Handbook by Genevieve Jolliffe and Chris Jones. One day I’d really like to make a low/ no budget film. I’ve had a few ideas- from shorts to full length romcoms, but lack the sort of technical knowledge this will provide.

ArchiLab’s Earth Buildings: Radical Experiments in Land Architecture. I want to learn more about architecture, particularly energy efficient/ low impact stuff.

The Company by Robert Littel. A 50 year story of the CIA which spins its tale into and around actual Cold War events.

If any of the rest of Team Spinneyhead have wish lists I’ll put up links to them in the side bar.

Wish list

I’m updating my Amazon wishlist. If you’re feeling generous, please send me one of the items listed. If you’re not that rich, then how about dropping a few pennies in the tip jar. I’d like Spinneyhead to pay for itself, covering hosting fees and subscriptions to Blogger Pro etc., and maybe one day take the whole photos section completely digital (thanks to Damian for giving me his old digital camera. I’m going to take a few test photos with it later today.)

Whilst I’m at Amazon, I would like to recommend Interface by ‘Stephen Bury’ (actually Neal Stephenson and Frederick George working together), which the system recommended to me, but I’ve already got. It’s a neat story about political manipulation and the power of the focus group taken too far as a medical chip in a Presidentail candidate’s brain- put there to help him recover from a stroke- is used to manipulate his actions on the election trail. It’s a prescient satire on Wubble U (except that the candidate being manipulated is a decent and intelligent man who is appalled when he discovers what’s going on.) I’ve stolen the chip- in- the- head idea for my Union Jack proposal, to be used in a slightly different way.