Daily archives: February 12, 2004

Who gets to keep the My Little Ponies?

Once upon a long ago I met an American exchange student called Cindy. I think she was from one of the middle states, where the corn, and the blondes, grow tall. The statuesque figure, and the name, led me to call her Barbie. Then I had to explain how Sindy was the British Barbie and so on.

I wasn’t even very, very drunk, either. Later, her boyfriend (I didn’t call him Ken) asked me for relationship advice.

Mad fool.

Anyway, I digress. It seems Barbie and Ken- the real Barbie and Ken- are to split up.

Where don't you want to go today?

So I’ve downloaded and installed the XP update, like I’m supposed to, and so far it’s managed to mess with BlackIce (if this patch is supposed to improve my security why is the firewall the first thing it screws up?) and lose the drivers for the USB modem (much swearing and a desperate scrabble around to find the installation disks ensued). Those problems seem to be solved, but I wonder what other programs it’s pissed off to the point of not working any more.

Microsoft- the world leader in unproductivity tools. When I’m brave enough I’m going over to Linux. (I’ve been saying that for years. One day…….)