Monthly archives: March 2005


Tesco has partnered with Greenergy to build the UK’s largest biodiesel refinery. The refinery should be running by mid 2006, using rape seed oil from British farms. I reckon there’s still a niche market for local recycling of oil from restaurants by co-ops, but amajor development such as this is great for raising the profile of bio fuels.

via Sustainablog

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A call to arms for cyclists from the London Cyclist. The points are pertinent for the rest of us as well. I hate the cyclists who jump red lights and cycle on the pavement (okay, I’ll mount the kerb- very rarely and only when there are no pedestrians to harrass or the planners have put the cycle racks a silly distance from the road) because they give the rest of us a bad image.

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Bad Accounting

The “services” of nature- pollination, air conditioning by wind, mixing of nutrients in the oceans, was estimated in 1997 to be worth the equivalent of $33 trillion to the world economy. These valuable resources have been squandered and up to two thirds of them have been used up by human activity.

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Historians are gently drying out and preseving a wooden beam washed ashore from an important piece of War of Independence architecture. A wooden bridge built across Lake Champlain linked Fort Ticonderoga in New York and Mount Independence in Vermont. It allowed thousands of American soldiers to escape when the British took Ticonderoga so they could fight again in the Battle of Saratoge.

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For those of you who read my previous post, you may have spotted the source as hackaday. Hackaday is a bit of a geeky blog detailling how to build projects that you may have wanted to build for some time.

Some of the projects I like are:

The Solar Death Ray
The cheap Teleprompter (possibly for Ian to remember his lines, if he makes his film)
Build your own submarine

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