Monthly archives: March 2005

In the pool

For the first time a blogger has been given a day press pass to the White House. Fishbowl DC got credentials after lobbying for a week to see how easy they were to come by. The quest was in response to the “Jeff Gannon” controversy. If a former gay prostitute working for a thinly veiled pro-Bush “news” site could get into two years worth of briefings on a repeat prescription of day passes, how easy would it be for a blogger?

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Green shoots

Tony Blair has unveiled plans for sustainable development. They include an interesting, if low impact, call to make overseas governmental trips carbon neutral. This would involve investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects to offset air travel. An interesting idea, but it would be cool if they could extend it to cover all air travel, not just that for bigwigs.

There’s also going to be a “national task force on sustainable public procurement”. Will this apply to PFI builds as well? Probably not, which is a shame because if they could look beyond short term gain a bit of investment in energy saving (and on-site generating through solar, wind etc.) could save millions over the lifetime of a major development such as a hospital.

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Think Global, Eat Local

Treehugger is investigating the hidden costs of food. Part 1- is organic food any better if loads of fuel is wasted to get it to the shops? Most of Casa Spinneyhead’s veg now comes from Northern Harvest. I know that even if I don’t buy the organic box, the food is local and has done the minimum damage getting to my door.

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Affiliate update

I’m only looking for affiliate programmes that fit with Spinneyhead’s general tone. It would be too easy to just find the schemes that claim the highest payouts and then wonder why no-one is clicking on them.

On the EcoHouse blog

Solar Lighting for gardens, patios and drives. No wires. No bills. No fuss. Great looking German-made products.


sustainable living – products, information and classified advertisements

These are all managed by ClixGalore .

On the Spinneyhead Scale Projects page a couple of magazine subscriptions through Magscriber, specifically Military Modelling and Model Boats

These managed by Paid On Results.

Update It turns out that Joystick Junkie clothing haven’t paid their ClixGalore dues and their account has been suspended. So, until they sort it out, I’m removing the ads because I’m not going to make any money from them.

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Burn baby, burn

Whilst walking down Market Street on Saturday I saw something odd, a man with a barbecue strapped to him selling sausages. It turns out that is a German invention called a Grillwalker. It doesn’t look like the most comfortable way to sell hot meat products. In fact the next thing I noticed was a woman following him with a trolley of supplies and a large first aid kit. The customers may be shielded from hot fat but the poor vendor isn’t and it’s not like he could take a step back from the grill as it’s strapped to him.

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Money for something

I’m declaring this a value added week at Spinneyhead, as I try to up my earnings through as many methods as possible.

First up, the two services I’m already an affiliate of-
In Association with

Everyone knows what Amazon does. If you’re thinking of buying anything- books, DVDs, CDs, photography equipment- how about popping here first and clicking on the link to Amazon. It won’t cost you any more and I’ll make a little from it. You know it makes sense.

More fine art than dirty pictures, this site highlights top quality photography of nude models.

I’m in the process of signing up for another affiliates programme. Paid On Results is a clearing house for affiliate links, so I should be able to find sellers for some of the more obscure areas I cover.

And, of course, there are the Google Ads. I’ve been getting a steady rate of click throughs since starting with the ads, but nothing spectacular. I can’t directly influence what is advertised through them, but I can increase the use of certain keywords (photography, if you hadn’t guessed, is one I’m trying for at the moment) and see what effect it has.

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