Daily archives: October 4, 2005

Where's Me Jumper?

From the inbox-

” Long time Carter USM friends, THE SULTANS OF PING are reforming for a tour of Ireland at the end of the year.

Before that though, they have been persuaded to play a one-off UK show at:-

Fat Surfer in Grays, Essex on Saturday 19 November.

This is their first gig since 1997!

Tickets have just gone on sale. The Fat Surfer is a small venue, so this one could sell out quite quickly – it’s a great chance to see this band again.

Book tickets and get more details at http://www.redpenguin.net/sultans/

Paul Golder – Promoter “

(Sultans of Ping, Casual Sex in the Cineplex)

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Nuclear Future?

What inspired the Government’s U-Turn on nuclear power. I used to be pro-nuclear but just looking at the cost of it, irrespective of other issues, it can’t be justified any more. For the cost of one nuclear power station the Government could fund enough energy saving schemes to save two power station’s worth of requirement (that’s a guess, if anyone wants to fund me to find out how close I am I’ll take donations).

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