Daily archives: December 16, 2005

'shock and awe' in the fourth millennium BC

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a city destroyed in a massive battle 5500 years ago.

The Mesopotamian settlement lies in Hamoukar, on the northernmost tip of Syria, 8 kilometres from the Iraqi border. In 3500 BC the 13-hectare development was subjected to a devastating attack, its edifices crumbling beneath a crushing hail of bullet-shaped projectiles.

The evidence of the destruction was uncovered in October and November 2005 by an expedition coordinated by the University of Chicago, US, and the Syrian Department of Antiquities.

During earlier excavations, archaeologists found buildings that had been destroyed or severely damaged by fire. The latest expedition revealed 1200 oval clay “bullets” measuring 2.5 centimetres in diameter and 4 centimetres in length. It also unearthed 120 heavier projectiles measuring 5 centimetres by 10 centimetres.

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Stealing energy from passing traffic

If I lived on a busy through road I’d definitely want one of these outside my house. A metal ramp is moved by vehicles passing over it and generates electricity. Tests have shown that they can generate between 5 and 50kW depending on the weight of the vehicle passing over them.

We discussed this and, strictly, it’s reducing the efficiency of the cars by stealing kinetic energy generated by their engines. However the generation of that energy is producing pollution in the neighbourhood, so the drivers should pay a little back. The best locations would obviously be roads that are already due to have speed bumps installed, making the traffic calming pay for itself.

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North West Locations

For home owning Spinneyhead readers- make a bit of money and get to see your house on screen.

North West Locations is the Premier online Film, TV, Commercials and Stills image library in the North of England. Our aim is to find the right location for your shoot and offer a tailor made service to ensure a smooth running process at each and every stage of production. The Library is designed to be user friendly and easy to search by location A – Z, region, town or city, location ID or by using our key word search for specific features you may require. Over the forthcoming months we are visiting potential locations across the region and working to ensure that the library has a diverse range of unique and interesting locations just waiting to be filmed.

North West Locations are actively seeking new locations for the library and would highly recommend those with a business or residential property interested in hiring it out to either contact us for more information or register your property now. We are interested in hearing from industrial, commercial or residential property agents, councils, hospital trusts, universities, churches, schools, historic houses and estates managers with locations to be included in the library.

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A couple of Parkour, or Free Running, videos. I think there was a Free Running club at one of Manchester’s universities for a while. I remember seeing some guys practicing on the (former) bowling green in front of UMIST students union a while back.

Google video clip (8 mins+) Goes a little insane just before the guy starts his run.

via The Cedar Room

French Parkour documentary with English subtitles.

via Visible Pieces of my Soul


Sound and vision

Kristin Hersh’s new band have released an EP free on the internet.

With “Free Music” 50FootWave is seeking new earballs. We thought it’d be interesting to ask for your energy & enthusiasm rather than your money and see what happens. To that end, please share this music in any and every way you see fit. Burn CDs, post the mp3s, seed Torrents — whatever’s comfortable for you.

It’s an experiment. Who knows how it will go? Wheee!

via WarrenEllis

The Dildo Song.

via CinemaMinima

The BBC Open News Archive.

also via CinemaMinima

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