Daily archives: May 26, 2006

Heavensent 4.3

“It looks like a boat, of sorts, slung under a wing.” Gim reported of the dot far off to the west.

“I’ll light the signal fire.” Sheel announced. Every scrap of wood too rotten to use had been piled up ready for just this moment.

“What do we tell them? About how we got here.” Bobb asked.

“If they spot us. That we crashed, of course. Test flying a winged boat just like theirs.” Gim shifted his attention to the horizon, “I can’t be certain, but I think there’s the vaguest of smoke trails over there. They must be accompanying a ship.”

The fire was now hot enough for Sheel to drop algae crusted wet wood on it. With hisses and crackles a white smoke tower rose above the island.

“It’s coming about.”

“They’ve seen us?”

“No, I think that was a planned course change, but we’re right in front of them now.”

The flying boat stopped its previous zig-zag course and headed straight for the island. It passed overhead, clipping the smoke tower, which curled around the memory of the wing. It made another pass, testing wind direction, before landing to the south. Gim, Bobb and Sheel jogged down to the shore to greet it.

There was a clear blister just behind the wing. It contained guns, one of which was pointed in the general direction of the islanders. A hatch opened in front of the wing and crewmen leapt out. They hitched ropes around hooks on the front and rear of the boat section and pulled it up against the shore.

Now a woman appeared in the hatch. Her uniform was finer, more formal, than the two holding the boat steady. She spoke a language that the three castaways only just understood. “How you here?” was the heart of the message.

“Crashed, wash up.” Gim used hand signals to augment his stilted reply.

The officer studied the island, spotting the camp. She came to a decision. “Board now. Come.”

They were helped aboard the flying boat and pointed to seats in the rear of the hull. A crewman with a handgun watched over them. The officer went forward and the plane began taxiing across the waves. She returned with three pairs of goggles. “Wear.”

The lenses of the goggles were completely blacked out. Gim, Bobb and Sheel shared a look, but pulled the blindfolds on without further questions.

Heavensent 4.4
Heavensent 4.2
Heavensent 1.1

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The Driver Menace

If the embedded video won’t play click here to go to Revver.

All the footage for this video was collected whilst wandering around in the rain mid-morning today. If I’d gone out during rush hour I could have enough to make a documentary.

This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while because the hypocrisy of all those people complaining about cyclists’ behaviour annoys me. Few people stand up and say how dangerous motorists can be, so let’s start here.

Obviously there are drivers who don’t speed up when they see an amber light, use their mobile whilst driving or think certain laws don’t apply to them. But they’re not the ones who endanger the rest of us.

Cross posted from 2 Wheels Good

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The Driver Menace

If the embedded video won’t play click here to go to Revver.

All the footage for this video was collected whilst wandering around in the rain mid-morning today. If I’d gone out during rush hour I could have enough to make a documentary.

This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while because the hypocrisy of all those people complaining about cyclists’ behaviour annoys me. Few people stand up and say how dangerous motorists can be, so let’s start here.

Obviously there are drivers who don’t speed up when they see an amber light, use their mobile whilst driving or think certain laws don’t apply to them. But they’re not the ones who endanger the rest of us.

Cross posted from 2 Wheels Good

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Why don't you turn off the football and go and do something less boring instead

Following on from my pronouncement that Spinneyhead would be an Anti World Cup zone I’ve started compiling more interesting things to do and see whilst some blokes kick a ball around in Germany.

I get e-mails from the Council about events in the city, or you can go to their live events page. It seems as good a place as any to start.

Streets Ahead are planning a Summer of Enchanted Evenings. June 17th-18th sees the FEAST mass pipcnic in Platt Fields Park.

A midsummer mass picnic event for families and friends, with entertainment and activities, that will reflect the many heritages and rituals surrounding food and celebration. It will take place around the lakeside all Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Before the start of events in Germany, but also looking interesting, next weekenmd there’ll be a show in Castlefield by Theater Titanick – “INSECT”. I saw their show a few years ago and loved it.

‘Insect’ is based around an East German morality tale and describes living creatures’ ever-present urge to fly. In this case, the creatures are wingless ants, who, in the gradual evolution of all life, produce their first offspring with wings. The show plays out the jealousy and rage of the parents, juxtaposed with their pride of and need to protect their young. In true Theater Titanick style, the show is performed on an epic scale. The ants are enormous mechanical creations; there is fire, water, things arrive by crane and take off along a runway. The struggle for flight will never seem the same again!

Manchester Bike Week is 17th-25th June. I’ll be covering it on 2 Wheels Good.

The Exodus Festival is in Hulme Park on the 24th.

There are other, less hyped, sporting events going on.

Films coming out soon-

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest – July 6th

Election – June 9th

Ultraviolet – Jun 23rd (Okay, this one looks a bit crap, but it didn’t stop me going to see Catwoman).

Fearless – June 23rd

This is just a starter. More suggestions as they occur to me. If you’re in another city please add stuff for your area in the comments.

Anyone fancy a Spinneyhead social on July 9th? We could have a barbecue (it might have stopped raining by then) and bring our own drinks so we don’t have to go into pubs with big screens.

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A cautionary tale

Apocalypse on the modelling table (almost)
Apocalypse on the modelling table (almost),
originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

It’s like the rejected script for a public safety film. Notice the scorch marks on the box at the top left of the image? That’s the result of evening sun through the magnifying lens to the bottom right.

I guess I should be glad it’s been so dismal recently, or I might have burnt down the flat. The magnifying glass has now been hidden out of the light and will only come out when needed for painting etc.
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"Young must research sex – Blair"

As opposed to experimenting, I guess. More meaningless advice from our Prime Minister. I don’t know what the sex education situation is in schools these days, but it looks like he tiptoed around the subject, probably didn’t want to offend any Daily Mail readers, I guess.

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Apocalypse on the modelling table (almost)

Apocalypse on the modelling table (almost)
Apocalypse on the modelling table (almost),
originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

It’s like the rejected script for a public safety film. Notice the scorch marks on the box at the top left of the image? That’s the result of evening sun through the magnifying lens to the bottom right.

I guess I should be glad it’s been so dismal recently, or I might have burnt down the flat. The magnifying glass has now been hidden out of the light and will only come out when needed for painting etc.
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