Daily archives: November 8, 2006

Workington Scrap Wagon model

Something for my Dad, as he’s building a layout based in Whitehaven, which is just down the coast. According to the manufacturer of the model ” These wagons were used at the Workington works on the Cumbrian Coast. They were used to transport scrap around the works. These wagons were built using “second hand” under-frames from Caledonian bogie ore wagons. They were typical of many large scrap wagons to be found in works, and compliment the smaller open hearth scrap bogies which we also offer.”

Also according to the manufacturer, the model will be available in Spring of 2002. The site was last updated in January 2002, hinting that perhaps they don’t trade any more. If you’re interested in the model you’d do well to try and contact them and confirm they still exist before sending any money.

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Coming for peace

December 22nd is Global Orgasm day.

GlobalOrgasm.org Mission Statement

The mission of the Global Orgasm is to effect change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy. Now that there are two more US fleets heading for the Persian Gulf with anti- submarine equipment that can only be for use against Iran, the time to change Earth’s energy is NOW! Read more about the fleet buildup here.

The intent is that the participants concentrate any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace. The combination of high- energy orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention may have a much greater effect than previous mass meditations and prayers.

The goal is to add so much concentrated and high-energy positive input into the energy field of the Earth that it will reduce the current dangerous levels of aggression and violence throughout the world.

Global Orgasm is an experiment open to everyone in the world.

The results will be measured on the worldwide monitor system of the Global Consciousness Project.

This is the First Annual Winter Solstice Synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace, leading up to Winter Solstice of 2012, when the Mayan Calendar ends with a new beginning.

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So Much To Answer For- Part 6

Joey Joey Joey Says
Tommy is back in town

Sarah B Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
Since this morning at least

Sarah B Says
He doesn’t know where I live

Joey Joey Joey Says
He shouldn’t have known where I live, but he found me.

Sarah B Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
Police know he’s here. Talked to Kay Wood

Sarah B Says
Fuck fuck fuck

Sarah B Says
She’s the one you fancied

Joey Joey Joey Says
It was the uniform. Honest

Sarah B Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
She kept me out of prison. That can be quite a turn on for a boy.

Sarah B Says
Will they catch him?

Joey Joey Joey Says
Hope so. I’d like my money back.

Sarah B Says
Not gonna happen

Joey Joey Joey Says
I know. I can dream

Sarah B Says
It’s been six months. Maybe more.
Why haven’t you been ion touch?

Joey Joey Joey Says
Not a lot to say

Sarah B Says
Rubbish. I read your blog. You’ve got lots to say.

Joey Joey Joey Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
How’s things?

Sarah B Says
Steve wants me to marry him.

Joey Joey Joey Says
Have I met Steve?

Sarah B Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
What’s he l;oike?

Sarah B Says
Nothing like Tommy. If thats what you mean. He’s good. Reliable. I can trust him

Joey Joey Joey Says
Does he know about what happened?

Sarah B Says

Sarah B Says
I’m not going to tell him.

Joey Joey Joey Says
Should you tell him?

Sarah B Says
I’m not going to tell him.,

Joey Joey Joey Says

Sarah B Says
I’ve got to go. Steve will be here soon.

Joey Joey Joey Says
Okay. Do you still work in the same place?

Sarah B Says

Joey Joey Joey Says
That’s where he’ll try to find you. If he comes.

Sarah B Says
I’ll keep a lookout

Joey Joey Joey Says
Be careful

This message could not be delivered as the user Sarah is offline.

Part 7
Part 5
Part 1

NaNoWriMo Progress

NaNoWriMo progress stalled yesterday, as I kept finding other stuff to do :(. I’m going to try to catch up some today and do a load of writing over the weekend.

Notes Yes, this is an attempt to mimic an IM conversation. All typing errors etcetera are intended (well, they happened because I tried to type as fast as the characters and left any mistakes in).

Other fiction- check out Heavensent, the propeller-punk sci-fi war novel I recently wrapped up, or download Another Education/Ruby Red or Ten Years Asleep.

Donate Now I’ve started writing again I’m unlikely to stop, but it would be nice if I could eat during my breaks. So please feel free to donate some money to my starving author fund by clicking on the PayPal button below.

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And now some good news from the USA

I’ve stopped posting about US politics as much as I used to, though I’ve not stopped following it. So it’s good to see the Democrats retaking the House of Representatives and looking like they’ve gained significant ground in the Senate. I guess the Republicans (or maybe just George W Bush and his groupies) are now so unpopular that they just couldn’t steal enough votes to swing the result.

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