Beer Fest

Canine testicles, as requested

Dog’s Bollocks is selling well, but I was told I should do a sign for it anyway.

NoWriMo for me this year

I’m not doing anything for National Novel Writing Month this year. I’m moving house this weekend, going to start on Point of Contactn as soon as I’ve got a drawing board and the light box set up and going to Beerfest next week, so I’m too busy. (Okay, Beerfest is an option, but it’s Beerfest,it’s part of my life.)


Hobgoblin, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

An internet search reminded me that the hobgoblin was a spider-man villain. Where’s the cute comic loving barmaid from last night?

Cornish Mutiny

Cornish Mutiny, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I wasn’t so sure about this one, but both the cute bar staff liked it. That’s what art’s really about- impressing the ladies.

Beer Fest – The Mouse wants to be your friend

Beer Fest, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

When I finally remembered to take the Mouse to Beer Fest he set about having his picture taken with every member of staff. The full set has been posted on Facebook.

Beer Fest – Great Western Revival

I’m particularly proud of this one. That’s the Mallard at speed, better known to most of us as the cover image for Modern Life is Rubbish.

There are more examples of my beer posters, bad dancing and sketch challenges (I’ll draw anything I’m asked to, though not necessarily very well) in the Beer Fest 2007 set.

And tonight I really must take the Mouse with me.