Daily archives: June 16, 2009

Tweets today

23:41 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/l9l69g #

00:29 Naked Bike Ride pictures are always popular. #

00:41 Presents: Buyacredit.com- fund a film by selling space in the credits tinyurl.com/ngl47b #

02:17 Save the World: The Armadillo- permaculture for the trailer park tinyurl.com/nsupy7 #

02:30 Scale: A casting tutorial for you tinyurl.com/lu62pu #

09:42 Tomorrow’s film is The Hangover @ 7.35 (not 7.45) @ amc #

14:10 2 Wheels Good: World Naked Bike Ride 2009 tinyurl.com/lw9oxs #

14:24 Off to the studio soon to get ready to shoot the onscreen action for 60 #

21:44 Blog: Now with more red wires tinyurl.com/lxc8yw #

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