Fire Escape
Fire Escape, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
It took a lot of self control not to see if the lower ladder section would
still swing down to the ground.
It took a lot of self control not to see if the lower ladder section would
still swing down to the ground.
I don’t know where I found this, but I’m sure I haven’t posted it before.
This is the rear of the terrace in the previous photo. It’s like a film set.
Even boarded up, I guess these are a nicer sight for the folks across the
road from them than waste land would be.
This terrace marks one of the edges of Chimney Pot Park in Salford. It’s an
interesting development. I used to cycle part it regularly before the
office moved, but today was the dirt time I dropped in for a look around.
You’ll notice that the houses are boarded up and lacking roofs. In the next
photo I shall reveal more.