Daily archives: January 4, 2003

Back to Life.

As I have been suffering with a custom browser that does not support cut and paste functionality, my linking to the cool and new on the web has been severely curtailed. Oh well, what can I do? There is nothing worse than trying to manually write down links and then type them back in again post haste. However, in the spirit of New Year and rebirth, I bring you ——– nothing.

It is a slow day on the web. Oh, you can now post bets on the dates of war at Ladbrokes online bookies. What a better way to say you care about current events?

Cart/ Donkey

Even a cursory examination of North Korea would make you think it is a larger threat than Iraq, so why aren’t we hearing the same sort of rhetoric aimed at Pyongyang. There might be fears that NK has nukes that it wouldn’t be afraid of using as a last ditch thing, but the current war hungry atmosphere means they’re unwilling to find a talking answer either.

Search requests

I’ve been posting the wierd and wacky searches that find this site at Disturbing Search Requests, but two in particular deserve further comment-

Britney Spears Naked Only, Britney Spears Naked Pics, Naked Britney, Naked Britney, Naked Britney, britney spears naked Yes, that’s the full search, for a brief while I came out top of search on Teoma, but they can’t find anybody on it any more. Guess all those comments worked.

“glow in the dark bra”– I’m the only person in the UK for this exact match search. Cool!