Flower Fairies
Cicely Mary Barker’s Flower Fairies are altogether more innocent than LAmplugh’s raunchy Butterfly wing gang. She’s probably rolling in her grave.
Technorati tag: Fairies
Cicely Mary Barker’s Flower Fairies are altogether more innocent than LAmplugh’s raunchy Butterfly wing gang. She’s probably rolling in her grave.
Technorati tag: Fairies
The X-Men: Death becomes them. If you laugh at this then you’re as sad a comics geek as I.
Technorati tag: X Men
A company selling a herbal penis enlargement medicine are being sued by one user who saw no results.
Technorati tag: Stupid
Coffee may reduce the risk of liver cancer. I’m off to roast some beans.
Technorati tag: Health
A couple of phonecam pics from Monday.
Technorati tag: Phonecam
Possibly perfect sex toys, for anyone who thought there should have been a Transformer called Vibratron. (Probably NSFW, unless you work with people too sheltered to know what vibrators look like.)
via BoingBoing
Technorati tag: Sex Toy