You got a revenue plan?

Problogger is looking for a business plan and so am I. Tomorrow I have an interview set up by New Deal that may get me some support to go self employed (I’ll try not to bitch about how the system will offer me all this help now that I’m a statistic when I really needed it when I first signed on and….. Oh. Failed.) so I’m looking at ways to make Spinneyhead a realistic (rather than pocket) money making concern.

None of PB’s ideas will work for Spinneyhead. The basic requirement I keep coming back to is Increase Traffic. From my end I have a number of plans to make Spinneyhead more popular. I’m going to start putting up more media on the main blog- that parrot gave me a huge boost in visitors- and I have some plans to get more in-depth with Eco House. There’s also Spinneyworld, which is taking shape, even if only in my head.

In the meantime, you too can do your bit. Tell a friend about Spinneyhead. Don’t worry, it’s not like introducing them to crack cocaine or midget porn, it will actually make them a better person. Mail a link to the parrot post to everyone who hasn’t seen it yet (in a non-spammy kind of a way, I want good juju from this viral marketing, not bad) or tell them about one of the other really cool things you found here. That is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

This post will self destruct.


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