Daily archives: June 5, 2005

Garden of Delights

Spinneyworld Garden of Delights photos on Flickr

All Flickr photos with the Garden of Delights tag

Spinneyhead gallery for June, with Garden of Delights pictures

According to the organisers– “The Garden of Delights is a ‘weekend-long pleasure garden for the 21st century!’ that takes place every summer at the start of June. It attracts thousands of families, students and young singles to Platt Fields Park in South Manchester for a highly enjoyable mix of visual installations, entertainment and natural surroundings. The overall atmosphere generated is one of inclusiveness, multi-culturalism, healthy eating/drinking, fresh air and non-stop delights. Our slogan for the event is “all ages, all cultures, all weekend”.”

I went to last year’s, and you can see the pictures in the June 2004 gallery, along with a load of shots from the Cow Parade. If all goes to plan there will be a Garden of Delights every year until 2010, which will mark the centenary of Platt Fields Park. I’m seriously thinking about putting something together for next year’s show.

Garden of Delights

(Originally posted to the Spinneyworld blog, transferred here for posterity.)

Spinneyworld Garden of Delights photos on Flickr

All Flickr photos with the Garden of Delights tag

Spinneyhead gallery for June, with Garden of Delights pictures

According to the organisers– “The Garden of Delights is a ‘weekend-long pleasure garden for the 21st century!’ that takes place every summer at the start of June. It attracts thousands of families, students and young singles to Platt Fields Park in South Manchester for a highly enjoyable mix of visual installations, entertainment and natural surroundings. The overall atmosphere generated is one of inclusiveness, multi-culturalism, healthy eating/drinking, fresh air and non-stop delights. Our slogan for the event is “all ages, all cultures, all weekend”.”

I went to last year’s, and you can see the pictures in the June 2004 gallery, along with a load of shots from the Cow Parade. If all goes to plan there will be a Garden of Delights every year until 2010, which will mark the centenary of Platt Fields Park. I’m seriously thinking about putting something together for next year’s show.

Goldfish Bowl

The Perspecta is a spherical display device that shows moving 3 dimensional images that can be walked around and viewed from many angles. I’m waiting for the first gaming application. Imagine 3D Quake where the person on the other side of the sphere can tell you what’s hiding behind the wall. (Or be what’s hiding behind the wall, I suppose.)

Several applications have already emerged. Two oil companies, three medical centres and the US air force have bought or loaned Perspectas and are using them respectively to visualise slices of the Earth’s crust from seismic data, human organs from MRI and CT scans, and squadrons of aircraft from radar data.

This is a big step forward from rotating a 3D computer image on a flat screen, Favalora says. Nothing beats being able to walk all the way around the object, view it from the top and zoom in whenever you want, he claims.

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