Monthly archives: June 2006

World Cup widows?

Okay, I’m insulted by the first paragraph of this article, and they just go on to compound their errors in the second. The people I know who “have no desire to distinguish a Mirzapour from a Schwarzer” are not a minority and are equally male and female. I am bored to death of the assumption that all men are fascinated by 22 blokes kicking a bladder around and insulted by lazy articles aimed at “the laydeez”.

Despite the rant, here’s links to-

Stop the World Cup

World Cup Widows Club

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Causing chaos and delay on the Underground

I was a bit nervous on Saturday whilst riding the rails under London. Not because I was afraid of anything going kaboom, but because I was carrying a backpack around. The Met’s reputation for shooting the wrong people is further reinforced by the news that Friday’s terror raid in London was based on bad intelligence.

Update The, likely innocent, injured suspect was shot by a cop in a CBRN suit with gloves so thick he couldn’t even tell he’d pulled the trigger.

(Not entirely related song lyric- Lean On Me, I Won’t Fall Over, Carter USM, Straw Donkey: the singles)

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We will laugh the day that Thatcher dies, Even though we know it's not right, We will dance and sing all night.

Downing Street is planning a state funeral for former prime minister Baroness Thatcher, according to reports.

I’m planning a big party, maybe including burning her in effigy.

Labour MP and former defence minister Peter Kilfoyle said the idea was wrong.

“I know that she has been a keen admirer in the present prime minister, but how could such an accolade be justified?” he asked.

“Despite her obvious inclinations, she was not head of state – head of government it is true, but without the historic triumphs and popular acclaim which led to Churchill’s unique distinction.

“He brought the country together in its time of need; she split the country asunder.”

(The Day Thatcher Dies, Hefner, We Love the City)

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The African Humid Period and its lessons on Global Warming

Between 8,000 to 5,500 years ago the Earth was as warm as it is now, and the Sahara was a rainforest. Much of this was down to the Earth’s tilt, or precession, the stronger sun on the greenery driving water further inland to keep even the heart of the area moist. Over the course of a century the Sahara’s ecosystem collapsed as the precession continued and changed sunlight levels and localised browning reduced the amount of moisture to be transferred. Now the dust that used to be the bed of lake Megachad is picked up by the wind and carried across the Atlantic to fertilise the Amazon.

It’s possible that global warming could see a return of heavy rains to the Sahara and a regreening of the arid zone. However this isn’t such good news on the global scale as other areas, notably prosperous zones like the west of North America, suffer ever longer drought periods. The Amazon could collapse as the Sahara blooms.

The Independent article linked to is an edited extract from The Last Generation by Fred Pearce.

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Tycoons against CO2

A dozen representatives of big business will today meet with Tony Blair to urge him to take stronger action against CO2 emmissions and do more to combat climate change. They, rightly, argue that forcing British industries to innovate will make them more efficient and give them a lead in what is going to be a major field.

Other industry groups, of course, have argued the opposite. I think it’s time to close down the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) because they obviously don’t have their members’ best interests at heart. Every time I hear Sir Digby Jones on Today he sounds like an arrogant buffoon. I know I wouldn’t want him speaking for me.

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Green Transport Week

Next week is Green Transport Week. Check out the events list to see what’s going on in your area.

Green Transport Week aims to:

* Raise awareness of transport impact on the environment.
* Highlight transport alternatives.
* Make people stop and think before they go somewhere.
* Send a message to the government on green transport and environmental issues.

via Mancubist, who’s looking forward to going on a few journeys with his free DayRider ticket.

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Heavensent 4.9

Gim counted the time between lift off and landing, and tried to memorise every motion. All he could safely say, at the end, was that they had headed over the horizon toward the smoke he had seen earlier.

They were helped onto a platform that bobbed in the waves. Guiding hands led them up wooden steps- two flights of ten. Then the atmosphere became cooler as they passed into a structure.

The sounds of the sea receded as they walked along a corridor, replaced by the clanging of metal doors and distant shouted orders. They were pressed against the cool wall as a group of five or six rushed past, heavy boots on padded flooring.

There were more corridors, more stairs. They went through a huge room ringing with hammer blows on metal. Eventually they were brought to a halt and the blackened goggles removed. A rating handed the goggles to the officer from the flying boat. “Stay here.” She told them, “Food soon, then questions.”

Heavensent 5.1
Heavensent 4.8
Heavensent 1.1

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