Daily archives: September 2, 2007

Ebob miniatures

Ebob miniatures supply a few ranges of 28mm wargaming figures, including one for a paintballing game. They also have, on their tools and accessories page, armatures and base figures for sculptors which have an interesting licencing agreement whereby they can be used as the basis of products. Some are entirely royalty free whilst others require a higher fee. I’ve long fancied having a go at sculpting some figures, perhaps this is where I should get the blanks from.

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Toshiba Test – the weekend

For various reasons I haven’t been able to play with the laptop as much as I’d like for the last few days. It is finally talking to the house network wirelessly, but only because I installed a NetGear USB wireless adaptor. Weak internal wireless is a problem at least one person has told me about on their personal Toshiba laptop.

The laptop doesn’t have a firewire socket, so I can’t get video off my old mini-dv camcorder. However, I now have a JVC hard drive camcorder which transfers by USB, so I’ll shoot some footage and try transferring it onto the laptop.

I have, however, been able to watch some stuff on the laptop. Video playback from dvd is crisp and stutter free. Sound from the built in speakers is good enough for something your watching whilst it’s sat on your lap.

The next challenge would be to see how well it copes as a games machine, but we don’t have anything in the house for pcs that would really test it.

So, overall, a mostly disappointing few days of Toshiba testing. I’ll try to get more done tomorrow.


BOT033, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Hiding in a carry handle on the speaker stack in Jilly’s Rockworld. Quite a few people studied this robot then put it back. By the time I left somebody had taken it.


JOE032, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Harry was given the task of swapping a GI for a tiara. He got to wear the tiara for a photo then had to give it back.

She kept the GI.