Daily archives: January 9, 2009

Tweets today

00:21 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/7nkx6o #

06:52 On Two Wheels- Traffic light etiquette for riders and drivers tinyurl.com/a8t88h #

09:20 Blog: More Watchmen-y goodness tinyurl.com/7u8s6y #

10:21 Blog: Come on Barbie, let’s go wife swapping tinyurl.com/79o2u8 #

15:01 You know a technology’s out of date when a charity shop won’t take it. #

16:12 @SkippyUK Video tapes. NSPCC wouldn’t take them, but Age Concern would. #

17:23 Blog: Your mission, should you choose to accept it tinyurl.com/7ek5oa #

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it

From Girls with Slingshots

Replace Hazel with Ian and that’s your challenge.

I remember reading that you’re most likely to meet partners through work or your friends. As I work at home or in my studio that rules out one of those options. So it’s up to you, my little minions chums. If you know any single women, send them my way. They’ll thank you for it.

Come on Barbie, let’s go wife swapping

Jack Ryan, the man who created Barbie and Ken, as well as Hot Wheels and other classic Mattel products, was a very naughty boy. In fact he was “a ‘full blown seventies-style swinger’ who patronised ‘high class call girls to streetwalkers’ in his quest for excitement”. Not that any of that really matters, even if his horniness may have led to Barbie’s impossible physique, it just makes for a silly story.