Monthly archives: May 2010

Point of Contact- Best Value

That was a little more wordy than I’d originally planned. I’ve started using Manga Studio Debut 4 for the lettering and it’s obvious I have to find a way to make the balloons more interesting. I’ve also detoured slightly from the original thumbnailed page pacing, which makes this one a little stilted. A bunch of big action pages start soon. I should be able to get the pacing back on track with those.

If you’d like to follow just the Point of Contact comic you can subscribe to its RSS feed.

The Webcomic List

Hung Parliament to be decided on eBay 1

You are bidding for the affections of this man, a Spanish speaking manufacturer and creator of kings. Yes, if you need a king swiftly fabricated, then this is your man! May be interested in part exchange for electoral reform and break-up of financial institutions, WHY – cash either way.

No “buy-it-now” price but make him an offer and he’ll do you a deal!

May be of use to those with an interest in running the country.

Cash on collection.

Those with less than 220 seats, contact me first before bidding. Advertised due to nation of timewasters. Please do not bid if you cannot make up your mind.

An architecture wander down Back Piccadilly

Back Piccadilly is a short, narrow, slightly threatening looking street connecting some of the streets heading east from Piccadilly Gardens. Apart from using it as a shortcut you don’t often think about it.

I only popped into Back Piccadilly to take pictures of Mother Macs.

Back Piccadilly- Mother Macs

It’s one of those pubs you never go in, and don’t know anyone who ever has. Despite being so central it might as well be in another town. (Now that I’ve said that I’m going to have to go in aren’t I?)

Back Piccadilly

Across from Mother Macs is Ed’s Cafe Bar. I’ve never been in there either, and I’m not sure whether it’s still open.

Back Piccadilly

Moving along, there are some impressive rear doors to some of the shops on Piccadilly. Though they don’t look like they’re used much nowadays.

Back Piccadilly

Behind one of these doors and down in a basement there used to be a comic shop (we’re talking 15 to 20 years ago mind). I sold my whole comics collection to the guy who ran it. We all make mistakes.

Back Piccadilly

Sprinkler alarm.

Back Piccadilly

I wasn’t expecting much of interest down the last stretch of Back Piccadilly, which has fairly recent buildings on one side and Sacha’s hotel on the other. Then I looked at the detailing on Sacha’s.

There are more photos in the Back Piccadilly set on Flickr.

May is Zombie Awareness Month

    Why Not October?

Despite common misconceptions, zombies – and the threat they represent – are not connected with the late October pagan tradition of Halloween. Witches, ghouls and vampires, all Halloween staples, are otherworldly creatures of old, filled with mysticism and superstition.

Zombies, on the other hand, are biological entities, made of flesh and blood, and functioning under the same laws of science and reason that all worldly beings must.

I’m off to buy axes and chainsaws.

Zombie Awareness Month

Point of Contact- they can always speak English

I cut it a little close with this page. Not last minute, but close. I had a three page buffer going on for a while, but life and distractions ate into it. I’ll see if I can get a couple of pages done in the next week and get ahead again.

If you’d like to follow just the Point of Contact comic you can subscribe to its RSS feed.

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Marin Palisades- no longer for sale

I just sold this bike to a happy customer. It’s a Marin Palisades, a very nice old school mountain bike. When I got it the rear derailleur was knackered and it had no back wheel. But I have an impressive parts pile and soon fixed that.

Harry and I are fixing up bikes and selling them on. Few are as cool as this one and some of the ones we get are beyond rescue. I shall post about other interesting projects as they come along.