Monthly archives: April 2023

Bleed the oil companies dry

It looks like oil giants are going to face a lot of lawsuits over the damage they have caused. If it’s shown that they knew how bad climate change was going to be and kept quiet, the payouts could be huge.

With too many governments paying lip service to fighting climate change, then subsidising the polluters, I think this is what is needed. Money is all most of the people involved understand. I they lose enough, they’ll comprehend the need to change.

The scooters of St George 2023

I primarily go to the St George’s Day parade for the scooters at the end, but there are always a few other cool vehicles passing by before them. The first half of the video is the Jeeps, Land Rovers and trucks that also attended, the second half the scooters.

For a while, it looked like the scooters weren’t going to make an appearance. I don’t know what held them up, but it must have been frustrating, and no doubt explains why they seemed more rowdy and anarchic than in previous years.

Aliens and bats and other unknowable beings

Here’s an interesting piece from Wired on how hard it would be to truly know and understand alien beings. Or, for us writers, how to depict them in a way that emphasises the alienness whilst still being somehow comprehensible.

We need a wealth tax like Norway

Britain is in the top ten richest countries in the world, but the income gap is massive and poverty rates are at their highest in half a century. We need a wealth tax on billionaires and multimillionaire, to go towards redressing the balance.

If it results in some of the parasites leaving the country, as in Norway, that’s a feature, not a bug.

Conspiracy theorists are lying sacks of shit

I thought I’d replace the BBC’s title with something more to the point.

To answer their question, I think some are doing it for attention and money, whilst others have convinced themselves that the lies they parrot are true. The former group are more shitty than the latter, but the deluded ones cause just as much pain. Potentially more, in fact, because they’re the ones more likely to stalk people, or try to kidnap children to save them from made up Satanic abuse.

Do ‘disaster trolls’ believe the conspiracy theories they promote? – BBC News

Pooh and copyright

I’ve created a few original characters in my various works, and I hope to make money from them when they catch the public’s imagination. But I don’t see the point of them then being locked away from other authors for 70 years after I’m gone because of copyright. I’d like to see that come down, but for now, we should enjoy stuff like murderous Winnie the Pooh and other reimaginings of nineteenth and early twentieth century characters.