Monthly archives: September 2024

Tax the rich out of the sky

A tax on private planes and superyachtd could bring much needed revenue in, making billionaires pay for some of the harm they’re doing. Judging by the quote at the end of the article, I don’t think this government has the sense or courage to do it, though.

Russia’s useful idiots

In an unsurprising development, it appears that several rightwing commentators in the US have been getting funding from Russia, with encouragement to push pro-Putin talking points. They’re claiming they never knew where the money was coming from, and from what I know about them, I’m willing to believe that they really are that stupid.

Is Biochar a miracle material?

It certainly sounds it. The creation process generates more heat than it uses- meaning manufacture could be self sustaining, or used as energy generation. Once made, it acts as a form of carbon capture, putting it back into the ground. And once in the ground, it can aid water retention, improve soil structure, and aid access to nutrients.

There are some potential issues, mainly around the possibility of contamination depending upon the feed stock, but this sounds like a technology we should all be thinking about.