
British shipwreck off Uruguay coast could hold treasure worth millions

Salvage of the Lord Clive, sunk by Spanish guns in the River Plate in 1763, is due to begin in months with suspected hoard of cannon and coins the lure

Treasure! And Rum!

Well, maybe rum, it has been underwater for a long time.

Source: British shipwreck off Uruguay coast could hold treasure worth millions | World news | The Guardian

Ancient Buddhist statue made of meteorite, new study reveals

It sounds like an artifact from an Indiana Jones film: a 1,000-year-old ancient Buddhist statue which was first recovered by a Nazi expedition in 1938 has been analyzed by scientists and has been found to be carved from a meteorite. The findings, published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science, reveal the priceless statue to be a rare ataxite class of meteorite.

via Ancient Buddhist statue made of meteorite, new study reveals.

Lost in the Antarctic

I have an idea for a sci-fi/virus outbreak story that has become an almost permanent fixture on the “will do one day, honest” list. Parts of the backstory would probably take place in an abandoned Soviet science town. None of those in this impressive collection of images, but the desolation of some of these abandoned Antarctic outposts could serve as good reference for the art if the story becomes a comic as planned.

The Miniature Pyramids of Sudan

The Sudanese invaded Egypt in 730BC and ruled the country until 656BC. Whilst they were there, they were so impressed by the tradition of pyramid building, that they took it back with them. At first only royals merited a pyramid, but the practice trickled down to the nobility over time, leading to graveyards full of mini pyramids.

Unearthing Maisy battery

A millionaire book salesman from Stockport has found the true location of the gun battery that caused so much carnage on Omaha Beach on D-Day. After finding a map in a pair of army trousers he bought at a militaria fair he went to Normandy and purchased land marked as an Area of High Resistance. Excavation of the land uncovered the gun emplacement and research tracked down the Rangers who took it, who had their own Kelly’s Heroes story of millions of dollars of booty in Francs which they purloined.

Sea Hunters discover pykrete

I’m watching Sea Hunters, Clive Cussler’s marine archaeology TV series, and they’re looking for the Habbakuk prototype built in a Canadian lake from an ice/wood pulp mix called pykrete. I’ve been fascinated by this project for a while, stealing the concept for the eponymous carrier in Heavensent.

Sea Hunters has a blog with behind the scenes pieces about the Habbakuk episode.

Habbakuk links via Beamjockey.

More Habbakuk information, and Wikipedia on Habbakuk. Habbakuk of Ice, a radio play about the project.

Time Team

Time Team 4
Time Team 4,
originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Cult Archaeology program Time Team visited Manchester this week to excavate Arkwright-Simpson’s Mill. On the 21st floor of the nearby CIS tower I was only a few feet away from a window affording a good view of all the activity.

Manchester Region Industrial Archaeology Society were there giving out leaflets with a potted history of the site on them. I think there’s going to be a site visit some time early next month, though I don’t know what there will be to see as the holes were all filled in afterwards.

At present the official Time Team page at Channel Four has no information on when the show might be airing. When it does I may have to ask someone to record it to their PC so I can watch it.

I took a few phonecam shots, from my vantage point and ground level, over the three days. You can see the Flickr gallery here.

Originally posted to Spinneyworld 18/09/05 by Ian

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Dig Manchester

Dig Manchester (2005 – 2008) is a three year community archaeology project bringing together volunteers and children to work alongside professional archaeologists on a series of excavations in Northenden and Moston.

The project is open to all ages and abilities. No experience is necessary.

The aim of the project is to offer opportunities for people and school children to get involved with real archaeology in a practical and ‘live’ environment.

Originally posted to Spinneyworld 23/08/05 by Ian