Daily archives: May 6, 2003

Items for upsetting Americans

Steph, Marcus and Damian were allegedly working on a challenge to think of a hundred names for breasts over the weekend. I’ll try to get the list from them. In the meantime, any women intending to use their love pillows properly should take care not to feed their babies on any American airlines, as they may end up labelled as suspected terrorists and threatened with 24 ghours in custody.

TV Cream

After listening to Radio 1 I decided to check out one of their featured websites: TV Cream and boy is it fantastic. You can download all your favorite themes and even some public announcement films.

At work today, I also discovered a DVD on sale for �14.99 with all the old public announcement films called ”Charlie Says”. You too can now relive all those nightmares of the kid getting electrocuted in the substation.

Evil Willow!!!!!

My army of slobbering minions (if you’d met Dave and Damian you’d agree) sent me links to Evil Willow pics-

and Dark Willow, from the end of the series currently showing on Beeb 2-

The internet is great! You just have to ask for something and people will find it for you. Now, my minions, find me a gift wrapped Katie Holmes. And try to get her delivered before my third of a century party.

Man arrested for licking women's feet in a supermarket.

Simply as bizarre as it sounds.

I just found this on salon.com. Apparently he “allegedly sneaked up behind a woman last year at a Bellingham supermarket and licked her feet and toes” How do you do that? How do you go from standing around looking inconspicuous to having your face at a level to lick someone feet, without the person noticing and without them simply walking away?

The world gets stranger every day.

The Washington Times and the battle against the French

Well, Well. Those scare mongers in Washington are back at it this morning with the Washington Times proclaiming on the front page France issued EU passports to all the senior Iraqi officials and allowed to them to escape to Europe. Interesting read and shows how the French, although still smug little moes, are the target of unjustified American wrath.