Monthly archives: June 2006

Lost Girls

I remember going to the UK Comic Art Convention in 1990 and attending a talk on adult comics where Melinda Gebbie told us about Lost Girls, the erotic graphic novel she was producing with Alan Moore. I even have the first two large format copies of the series, as published by Kitchen Sink, collecting the first six short chapters. Finally, sixteen years later, the collected graphic novel is going to be published by Top Shelf.

The novel is about Alice, from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz, and Wendy from Peter Pan meeting up in an Austrian hotel in 1913 as adults. Their famous earlier adventures are reinterpreted as tales of their early sexuality. This has been a source of some controversy as Great Ormond Street still holds the rights to Peter Pan in England and has issues with the subject matter.

Lost Girls’ art is watercolour and ink, slightly clumsy and naive looking with rather elongated characters. The heroines are not are not the big titted, long legged secretly subservient amazons of most erotic (and many superhero) comics but moderately caricatured visions of normal body shapes. The sex is the sort that takes place as much in the head as on the page and presented with all the care and creativity you’d expect of Alan Moore. I haven’t read the whole book yet, but I want to. However, I’ll take a stand and say that Omaha the Cat Dancer is still the greatest erotic comic of all time. I’m just waiting for the completed story to be collected so I can have all the volumes on my bookshelf.

Top Shelf have a page dedicated to interviews/ articles about the series, Violet Blue has a few (NSFW) page previews.

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Heavensent 6.6

The shockwave sank one of the log tugs and disintegrated the small biplane that had been closing on wing three. It bowled over the spectators who had lined the bank and shook the wooden buildings. A teardrop of burning fuel spread over the water and into the forest.

“Three is gone.” The tailgunner announced.

The pride of the Air Army had been torn apart by obsolete planes. Even with the element of surprise, they shouldn’t have been able to inflict so much damage. Mirl throttled up, he was going to survive this encounter and return to flatten the forest and destroy all the hidden bases. He just had to turn the wing around and head back, the damage wasn’t that extensive.

There was a shape below, on the water or just above, a crude cross decorated in yellows and greens with creatures dancing across its wings. A broken yellow line rose from the front of the cross, then another two from the middle. “Oh no.”

Each hit drew a hollow clang, like hailstones hitting a ferrous roof. Isolated thuds became a drumbeat counter-pointed by shrieks and whistles of broken pressure lines. The oil pressure gauge for engine two dropped to zero. Mirl pulled back the throttle and shut the engine down. “Two is on fire!” his co-pilot announced, flicking the switch for the extinguishers.

They could still make it on five engines. “Someone get a shot at that thing!” Mirl shouted into the remote caller. The oil pressure on engine four began to drop. Mirl cut the fuel supply. There was no response to his order.

The bullets stopped coming, but it was far beyond too late. There was smoke in the cabin and the caller system didn’t work any more. There was still enough of the control system connected for Mirl and his co-pilot to fight with and keep the plane in the air. They were turning, but far too slowly. Every count took them further and further away from their base. If they crashed into the forest they might survive, but that would leave them to dodge the Hidden Army.

The treetops were drawing closer. The ground wasn’t rising, so they must be falling. It was so hard to get any sensation of their general direction over the shaking and churning of the damaged plane. If the wing went into the branches nose down it would cartwheel and break up. Mirl pulled back on the stick and powered down the engines and the plane sank into the green canopy.

Heavensent 6.7
Heavensent 6.5
Heavensent 1.1

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Planning permission to be waived for micro-generation

The Government is planning to streamline planning guidelines so that householders no longer need planning permission to install renewable energy technologies on their homes. The announcement of the planned change should, according to the Observer, be announced within ten days.

Many local authorities insist householders apply for planning consent. ‘It is patently absurd that you should be able to put a satellite dish on your house but have to wrestle with the planning process for small-scale micro-generation, which is no more obtrusive and can have a real impact on tackling climate change,’ Yvette Cooper, the planning minister, told The Observer

‘We want much more micro-generation to be treated as permitted development. We are reviewing the impact of a wide range of technologies so we can take account of things such as the impact on neighbours or listed buildings before consulting on details later this year.’

It sounds like a good idea. Obviously the NIMBYs are all over it, unable to see the beauty in a windmill and fearing that unobtrusive flat solar panels will somehow blight their landscapes. Neighbours of David Cameron have deployed the old nonsense that his plans to erect a windmill will reduce the values of their homes. Maybe if they mocked his attempts to greenwash his way to credibility I’d have more sympathy for them.

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Build your own solar thermal panel

Solar heating is a more efficient way to utilise the sun’s power than photovoltaics, but somewhat more limited in applications. It is also much cheaper. In fact the team at The Seitch built a solar thermal panel for $5. They used the heat dispersal tubing from the back of a fridge (which had been purged of CFCs at the local dump) mounted behind a sheet of glass.

If you watyched It’s Not Easy Being Green (we finally caught it on DVD-RWs from my parents) you might have seen the clever heat trap built into the Strawbridge’s greenhouse. Perhaps a solar thermal panel such as this could make a near tropical greenhouse for exotic gardening.

via Treehugger

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Build your own solar thermal panel

Solar heating is a more efficient way to utilise the sun’s power than photovoltaics, but somewhat more limited in applications. It is also much cheaper. In fact the team at The Seitch built a solar thermal panel for $5. They used the heat dispersal tubing from the back of a fridge (which had been purged of CFCs at the local dump) mounted behind a sheet of glass.

If you watyched It’s Not Easy Being Green (we finally caught it on DVD-RWs from my parents) you might have seen the clever heat trap built into the Strawbridge’s greenhouse. Perhaps a solar thermal panel such as this could make a near tropical greenhouse for exotic gardening.

via Treehugger

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Heavensent 6.5

Mirl was climbing, but not fast enough. The Mima passed under the wing, circled and lined up for another attack. But the attack never came, with jammed guns or out of ammunition it turned away again.

Despite the head on attack, no shells had entered the cockpit. Various gauges, however, were reading damage to critical systems in the rest of the plane. “All positions report. Usual order.”

“Navigation. No damage.”

“Comms. No obvious damage. Wing two is not responding.”

“Weapons. The hydraulic system for the bomb bays has been damaged.”

There was a pause, an empty space where the next report should have been. “Top gunner? Report.” Mirl signalled. “Someone check on him. Tail gunner?”


“Do you have anything to report?”

“Sir. Wing two has hit the water. Wing three….. Wing three is on fire. There is a biplane closing on it. My cannon cannot traverse far enough to…..”

The inside of the cockpit lit up. They felt the shockwave from the explosion rather than hearing anything.

Heavensent 6.6
Heavensent 6.4
Heavensent 1.1

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Heavensent 6.4

Tem had chosen to go high. Now, as his wingman bore down on the lead wing, he was lining up for the best pass on the other two bombers. He let off a short burst at the second bomber, tracer passing slightly ahead of the target.

The wing’s pilot over reacted, pulling the plane into a steep bank, losing what little altitude he had and digging a wingtip into the river. The nose jerked down and smashed into the water and the plane began to cartwheel and disintegrate. Distracted by this, Tem overshot the third wing without firing at it. He banked and came around as tightly as possible for an attack from the rear.

Tem closed until he could make out the rear gunner struggling with his weapon, trying to prime it and bring it to bear. The Mima had a one and a half digit cannon slung in a pod under its centre line. Tem placed the gunsight above the gunner and released a burst from the cannon.

The cupola, gunner and weapon disappeared in a series of small explosions. Tem was congratulating himself when the top turret opened up and stitched a series of holes across the wing and into the fuselage just behind him. Tem fired all the planes guns, at this range few of the shells missed, as the top turret fired again. He didn’t feel the bullets that hit him, and thought only of the glory of his death as the fuel tank was ruptured and Betra turned into a fireball.

Heavensent 6.5
Heavensent 6.3
Heavensent 1.1

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Heavensent 6.3

“Let’s keep this really tight and give them a show.” Mirl transmitted to the other two wings. They tried to put a little variation into each day’s fly past, for themselves and their spectators on the ground.

A few more runs and the flight would be at air show standards. They flew parallel to the waterfront in a staggered line, as slowly as they could manage so the demonstration of power lasted longer.

“What is that?” Mirl’s co-pilot mused. “I see movement.”


Mirl couldn’t make it out at first. Upriver, but approaching fast, two shapes were flying low over the water. He looked away, flicking the switch for the viewer, and one of them had gone when he looked back. The remaining plane was close enough to identify now. “That’s a Mima. I haven’t seen one since…..”

He had been too complacent. The last thing Mirl had expected was to be attacked on this routine bombing run. He knew it was too late when he shouted into the caller, “Break! Break! We are under attack!”

Heavensent 6.4
Heavensent 6.2
Heavensent 1.1

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The solar car park

Invisible Heating Systems plan to install a Road Energy System, which uses heat absorbed by tarmac to warm water, in their car park. owever, this being Britain, torrential rain has meant the Midsummer Day start date has had to be put back.

It sould be a requirement that systems like this are included in any new road building. It might not work so well on urban roads, with all the utility pipes are running underneath them, but A roads and motorways should be viable.

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I'm with the baboons

Baboons at Knowsley safari park have taken to stealing those annoying England flags from any drivers dumb enough not to remove them.

The animals have built up a huge collection of flags in the monkey enclosure at Knowsley safari park in Merseyside.

Keepers at the park say the 120-strong troop of baboons have been known to help themselves to windscreen wipers but have now turned their attentions to the World Cup flags.

via Bench

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