Daily archives: April 2, 2009

Tweets today

23:20 Blog: Tweets today tinyurl.com/d6qraf #

00:00 Second set of six panels coloured. Will leave lettering until the morning. There has to be a better way to do this. #

10:22 Blog: Don’t mess with ninja Obama tinyurl.com/ccu4dq #

11:15 What day does the new tax year start? 6th? #

11:45 RT @PeopleForEarth: "Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."-Thomas Edison #

12:00 Mongrels- Who let the GODs out? Part 3 submitted to Rok. Give it a day or so for approval. #

12:14 I want a Lotus gravity racer! #

12:22 Blog: One match to light them all tinyurl.com/d7qxjw #

14:22 Blog: Mongrels- Who let the GODs out? Part three tinyurl.com/c92md7 #

15:30 @Dave_Gorman Touring by bike? Tell me more. #

15:33 Alex thinks it’s a failure, but I like the sticky golden toffudge. Now I must go and ride my bike to burn some of it off. #

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