Monthly archives: February 2004

Push button. Ignore.

Most of the pedestrian buttons on New York’s intersections aren’t connected to anything. traffic flow and lights have become so automated that throwing walkers’ demands into the mix would bring the city to a halt. I still press the button at pedestrian crossings, but even on a bad day the roads around Manchester could never get as busy as New York’s.

via Neil’s World

All in the head

Women aren’t turned on in the same way as men and, indeed, their main sexual organ is their brain. Hell, I could have told you that.

To please a woman in bed, all a man has to do is a poetry course. They also have to learn that the Karma Sutra is not an Indian takeaway and that the mutual orgasm is not an insurance company.

There was a young lady from Luton,

Who liked to do it on her new futon……..

Er, no. Maybe not.


Model Geek alert!

I know the Airfix renaissance has been going for a couple of years now, but I was particularly struck by it today as even more of their models had crowded onto the shelves.

The entry level kits are true pocket money models at only 4 quid. They may not be as detailed as some of the more exotic creations available today, but that’s not such a bad thing. And some of the subject matter is sometimes not made by anyone else- for instance, I haven’t seen the Matilda tank done by any other company. Dad will be pleased as well, the RAF Refuelling, Emergency and Recovery sets were great bases for kit bashing.

A few of the re-releases are already on my wish list (particularly the Vulcan), but what else should they produce? I want to see all their 1/32nd scale cars, the Bristol Bloodhound, the BV 141 that I’m currently building and all of their railway kits.

Red Tide

From the Don’t Mess With Mama Nature files: Stalin introduced giant Pacific crabs to the Barents Sea as a way to provide cheap and plentiful food for the Northwest Soviet Union. Everything seemed okay until some time in the nineties, when there was a huge population explosion. Now the voracious crustaceans are crawling South along the coast of Norway and eating everything in their path. Y’know, there could be a horror story in here somewhere.

(When I say that Stalin introduced the crabs to the Barents Sea, I don’t think he did it personally, “Giant Pacific Crab, meet the Barents Sea. Barents Sea, Giant Pacific Crab. I think you guys will get on swimmingly.”

I’m sure he had other people do it for him.)