Monthly archives: March 2004

The first embed?

A plaque to Roger Fenton has been unveiled in Rochdale. Fenton could lay claim to being the first ever war photographer with his pictures of the Crimean War. By coincidence I was watching a documentary about the conflict earlier, in which Fenton was mentioned. It seems that, even in 1855, pictures from the front were carefully contrived whether for financial (he had to sell the images when he returned to England) or propaganda purposes. The limits of the technology also meant he couldn’t get any action photos but he did shoot the- bloodless- aftermath of battle. One image in particular The 68th Regiment, winter dress, was a total fake, as neither Fenton nor the cold weather wear had arrived in time.

Location, Location, Location

I cycled down to Cheadle this afternoon, looking for interesting places to put into Deputised Experts. Nowhere stood out for a gunfight, but I did get a few pictures.

The first picture is through the window of Unique Furnishing on Kingsway. One day I’ll go in and browse, but for the time being I’m intimidated by their other window display, a seven foot tall Alien like sculpture (currently wrapped in Christmas lights) that’s selling for ‘only’ �3999.

It'll do your head in

The ceiling (174K) in Faro’s Chapel of Bones (Capela dos Ossos). They dug up the bones of monks and then lined a chapel with them. Funnily enough, this happened in several places in Portugal.

Anybody want to look for some better, more accurate and historical info? Most of the returned sites out there consist of holiday photos with the same lame description (this page probably now added to that list!).

Sinful Things

The Science Museum is launching a show about medical practices and attitudes to sexuality. On show will be a 1930s vibrator intended to cure women of their sexuality.

The electric device superseded the previous practice of doctors giving genital massage to female patients. It dramatically reduced the time needed for each treatment and could be operated by the relatively unskilled.

via Green Fairy

Britney Spears caught in blatant trawling for hits scandal

Yes, the wondrous silliness of search requests is back. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see two lists of referrers- most recent and most common. As I write this, the most recent 20 are-

? MSN Search: britney naked pics — More Useful Everyday

I’m really not interested in seeing Britney naked, clothed or in any state in between. Brittany Murphy, maybe, but not Ms Spears

? Google Search: nemi cartoon comics

Nemi is cool. It’s pretty much the only reason to read The Metro.

? Google Search: where is the nissan skyline in grand theft auto 3 for ps2 in english

I don’t know.

? Google: britney spears topless

See above.

? UKBlogs Aggregator

Resistance is futile! You will be aggregated!

? ping a weblog

? Google: meaning of the word bint

It’s derived from the Arabic word for girl or daughter, I think.

? ping a weblog



? Spinneyhead

? Google: “the best positions for getting pregnant”

Nobody in this house is pregnant, but Spinneyhead is one of only two results for this search.

? ping a weblog

? Google Search: spinneyhead

People are looking for spinneyhead. Cool.

? MSN Search: stileproject — More Useful Everyday

Stileproject used to be a regular stopping off point, but I haven’t been back there in nearly two years. I wonder if it’s still as vile and disgusting as I remember?

? Google Search: countryside sex pics


? Google: saul steinberg 9th avenue buy

? Flat8 – Summary

? Google: erotic bitpass

Hold on a minute, I’ve just had an idea………

? New Links

And yes, I am only reproducing these results here to reinforce the Google rankings etc.