Daily archives: April 10, 2003


After the fall-

Robert Fisk travels around and witnesses the looting. The right wingers will scream that he’s biased, so, to counter them, here are two stories from the Times voicing similar reservations.

The BBC has a similar story.

CNN has transcribed battle commentary and the worries of Arabs outside Iraq.

Over at Fox it’s all happy happy happy, though even they admit that Iraqis don’t want the Americans around when it’s all done.

The end of the beginning

Potted War coverage-

Robert Fisk travels around and witnesses the looting. The right wingers will scream that he’s biased, so, to counter them, here are two stories from the Times voicing similar reservations.

The BBC has a similar story.

CNN has transcribed battle commentary and the worries of Arabs outside Iraq.

Over at Fox it’s all happy happy happy, though even they admit that Iraqis don’t want the Americans around when it’s all done.

Dolphins were Monkeys

The Creationists are coming! It seems the White House nowadays only likes science if it’s used to create new and interesting ways to disperse depleted uranium. Through careful ommissions and very biased ‘fair play’ they’re allowing such pieces of faux science as Intelligent Design onto the curriculum. Even worse, they’ll let Africans have cheap anti-AIDS drugs (though they’d much rather be selling them expensive ones), but condemn any program that would promote condom use even though this would mean fewer would contract HIV in the first place!

So when it is "for a friend" and when does

the situation call for more polite drug etiquette? I have been watching drug movies since last night and have come to the conclusion all the rituals associated with procurring drugs are totally insane. These little rituals between buyer and seller are just too much. For example, yesterday the one line I heard almost made me fall off the floor. It went something like this. Imagine the scene with one of the most honest people on the planet and a complete drug addled cancer upon society:

Out of the blue, “That’s $35” says druggie man

“I’ll have to owe you cause I only have a tenner” says the patient customer

“Sorry then I hold onto the product!!”

No more conversation. It all stopped and that’s when I realised I was watching a drug deal.

Oh what has hummanity wrought with this scourge upon society?

Anyways, back to reality. The White House in a statement by Ari Fliescher and Don Rumsfield consisted:

“Ha ha – Told You So….”