92. Attend a televised awards ceremony
93. Learn a programming language
Properly, not in the half arsed way I learnt to gaffer tape routines together in VBA. Griff says that C# is quite a lucrative area to be in.
94. Visit every Disneyland
This was actually Griff’s aim, but I stole it.
95. Get a free crate of Glenfiddich
Sometimes breweries will gift crates of their products to writers who mention them. I’m also open to offers of Jennings Sneck Lifter.
96. Go scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef
97. Get as close to an active volcano as possible
98. Attend a gala movie premiere
Hell, if Rebecca Loos can do it, so can I. But I’m not shagging any footballers except these two.
99. Publish a cook book
My sister’s been promising to write one for a while now. I must get her to finish it.
100. Get ‘Ian Seat’ into the OED
Being the position in acrowded room, bar, etc, which has the least advantageous view for eyeing up members of the opposite sex.
It seems that aim 10 (Make it into the Popdex top 100) isn’t all that hard if you’re willing to use a few tricks.
I managed to achieve goal 60 (Burn all my CD singles to MP3) this morning. I now have 4958 songs- 13 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes and 54 seconds of music- on the computer. So now I have to think of another goal, though the logical next step is-
101. Burn all my CDs to MP3