Today's obligatory Nine Songs post
The Guardian has the first interview with the film’s female lead.
The Guardian has the first interview with the film’s female lead.
Given the sex-obsessed quality of recent posts, I thought it was time I raised the tone slightly. Something cultural, something and educational (it’s in a foreign language with a translation). Something poetic and artistic.
I present a poem about vaginas, in medieval Welsh.
(Supplied by my friend Marnanel, who is a strange attractor – he seems to find the most strange, entertaining and just plain odd things on the internet.)
Spinneyhead is not turning into a sex blog, despite the bias of recent posts. It’s just that the sunny weather makes me horny.
(Oh, okay, more horny.)
Time to, briefly, hark back to an old post- Music To Get Laid To
The Sex Toy debate pops up all over, such as here– where they’re lamenting the lack of good toys for men and giving Spinneyhead a passing mention.
And why did no-one tell me it was National Masturbation Month? I would have…. erm…. I….. Oh, who am I kidding, I wouldn’t have had to do anything extra. I celebrate National Masturbation Month all year round.
I’ll get me coat……
This is turning into All Nine Songs, All The Time.
The Independent has the most comprehensive piece so far, including interviews with the male lead and director.
Drownedinsound concentrates on the bands in the concert clips of the movie.
Both links via Fleshbot
As the courts martial begin it could be time to get your copies of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now. Salon sees the same plot playing out in Iraq with Lynndie England as an Internet ready Kurtz. (Get a Day Pass to view the article.)
(Thanks to Stephen for the suggestion of using Ms England to referral pimp.)
I’m getting a lot of hits s a result of searches for Nine Songs, mentioned on Monday. Who would have thought that sex sells?
So, as a public service, here are a couple more links- The Mirror X-PLICIT: RUDEST FILM EVER TO HIT CINEMAS
The Telegraph- ‘People who say this sex film is offensive are liars’
Late Addition The Daily Mail- Director defends sex shocker
Most of these articles say the same thing, I’d guess they’ve been cobbled together from a press release and the earlier Guardian piece. The only major difference is in the handling of the female lead’s name and her willingness to be identified.
Over 75% of respondents in a Friends of the Earth survey said they wanted to see less traffic on the roads. Of course, a lot of them took ‘less traffic’ to mean keeping people who weren’t them off the road.
The return of the ‘Ten Pound Pom’ could be in the offing as South Australia tries to boost its population.
As the DVD release of the original Star Wars trilogy draws closer some disturbing evidence of additional changes to the movies has emerged. I was resigned to the fact that it was going to be the ‘Special Editions’ rather than the original release but now it seems George has gone even further. If you go here and scroll down you’ll find an image from Return of the Jedi. This makes some of the tales of changes that I’d written off as fan-boy rumors seem very possible. Why can’t Lucas just leave it alone? The movies were fine the first time around.
Indy car racing could be coming to Manchester. MAybe they can make it a city course- that’ll finally give them a reason to fix all the potholes.
A German couple saved up and went to a fertility clinic when they couldn’t conceive, only to be told the problem was that they weren’t having sex.
Memories of one parish’s preparations for invasion in WW2.
The fine history of response records, from 1927’s I’m Looking Over My Dead Dog Rover to F U Right Back (a response to Eamonn’s Fuck It( I don’t want you back) I’m proud to say, I haven’t heard either of them.)
An early review, from the Cannes screening, of Fahrenheit 9/11.
Monday’s supposed to be coursework day. So, of course, I’ve been doing anything but. There are a few more contenders for the Deputised Experts logo, though.
Stagecoach has announced an increase in bus use. Only 2.2%, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Ann Summers announced a 19% rise in profits and has 4000 home parties a week. I really have to do some more work on the sex toy, I want a share of that money.
The most sexually explicit (mainstream, the UK has a flourishing porn industry) British film ever got its Cannes premiere yesterday. This sounds like the sort of thing I want to do with Mary Tales (when I settle down from doing nudey pinups and start telling stories)- romance that doesn’t gloss over the sex.
Derek Malcolm, the Guardian’s veteran film writer, said: “Nine Songs looks like a porn movie, but it feels like a love story. The sex is used as a metaphor for the rest of the couple’s relationship. And it is shot with Winterbottom’s customary sensitivity.”