Yearly archives: 2008

The sound of summer 2008

Drinking in the morning sun
Blinking in the morning sun
Shaking off the heavy one
Heavy like a loaded gun

What made me behave that way?
Using words I never say
I can only think it must be love
Oh, anyway, it’s looking like a beautiful day

Someone tell me how I feel
It’s silly wrong but vivid right
Oh, kiss me like the final meal
Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight

Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
And only now I see the light
Yeah, lying with me half-awake
Oh, anyway, it’s looking like a beautiful day

When my face is chamois-creased
If you think I’ll wink, I did
Laugh politely at repeats
Yeah, kiss me when my lips are thin

Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
And only now I see you like
Yeah, lying with me half-awake
Stumbling over what to say
Well, anyway, it’s looking like a beautiful day

So throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year’d see me right!

One Day Like This – Elbow

Or, as I just have, you can get the album as MP3s from Amazon. The MP3 download store is well stocked, as you’d expect from Amazon, and I’ll be going back regularly I reckon.

Tweets today

23:24 Blog: Tweets today #

13:12 Muse wanted. Duties include- being gorgeous, making wild passionate love with me and occasional proofreading. Apply within. #

15:26 Blog: No congestion charge for Manchester #

16:27 Blog: Another new Watchmen trailer #

17:32 Unproductive day. Trying to shake off this bloody cold I’ve had for almost a month. Keeping warm and staying in drinking lots of tea. #

22:50 I don’t want total control of my stubble. #

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No congestion charge for Manchester

The results of the congestion charge referendum are in and the answer is a sound NO. Oh well. I voted yes, because I don’t have a car and if I did I wouldn’t be so dumb as to drive it into the centre more than once or twice a month- and any improvements to public transport would be to my benefit. The proposals for improving cycling infrastructure were a bit poor, but any investment is good.

Still, even without more cycle lanes I’ll still get to sail past the lines of standing traffic on the way into town. Maybe I need a sign that says “Don’t blame me, I voted against congestion” just to taunt them.

Tweets today

23:25 Blog: Tweets today #

10:24 I have a new winter jacket. It’s quite toasty and was nearly half price. #

13:08 You know what they said? Well some of it is true. #

14:36 Have a nice Doomsday. #

14:41 Just say a bunch of teenagers smoking pipes. Is Fogeyism the in thing? #

18:26 Blog: The human cost of climate change #

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Tweets today

23:24 Blog: Tweets today #

11:26 Blog: No photos- a round up of advice for Manchester’s photographers #

11:51 Found my library card. Yay! Now, what else was I looking for? #

17:12 One Christmas present bought. Must try harder if I’m going to get them all in time. #

21:27 If Kobe beef is so expensive, how much must Kobe leather be? #

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Tweets today

23:11 This week’s Orange film is Transporter 3 @ 7.10 @ amc #

23:23 Blog: Tweets today #

06:33 Oh the glamorous life of a television extra. #

07:30 Bugger, I forgot my cup. No tea for me 🙁 #

15:44 Emmeline, Sylvia and a third one. Were they the Pankhursts? #

20:30 "Wintry showers" is just a polite way of saying sleet isn’t it. #

20:55 Sniffly and sneezy from getting chilled today. Treating it with tea and whisky. #

22:09 And now, Lemsip. #

22:11 Dogging with dead people, and dogging by bike. These were all PV’s ideas, not mine, I hasten to add. #

22:32 @Kalyr Tweet, tweet, cough, sneeze, erghhh, expire. #

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Tweets today

23:24 Blog: Tweets today #

08:00 Off to do some extraing on The Street. #

09:54 Ah, glorious Collyhurst. #

10:14 Filming with Bob Hoskins today. No autographs. Radio silence for a few hours now. #

14:54 Back on set again. #

22:20 Got Delilah stuck in my head now. Spent all afternoon pretending to listen to someone karaoke it. #

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NaNoWriMo first draft – Breaking cars

Notes Another partial chapter. I’ll have to go away and work out what sorts of things could be made from scavenged car parts.

For all the lack of cars on the move there are still quite a few parked up. They’re rather forlorn, as so many of them haven’t moved since the oil embargo hit. No doubt some owners are waiting for the day when they can drive them again, either through conversion to bio fuel or a miraculous return of the petroleum economy. But most of them just sit there because they couldn’t be sold.

Many have flat tyres from slow punctures and they’re all taking on a patina of dust and mildew. But I haven’t seen any smashed windows. With no market for the easily stealable car accessories there’s no incentive for car crime. No doubt a few will have been burnt out, I just haven’t happened on them yet.

When an owner finally tires of their old conveyance blocking the street and gathering dust they can send it to be recycled. It will probably end up at the Trafford Centre. The big shopping centre is now a recycling centre. The acres of car park are still filled with vehicles, but if you wander the rows you’ll notice that they’re only carcasses. Each one is being stripped of useful parts and workshops in old shop units are using them to produce all manner of useful artifacts.