Monthly archives: May 2015

Coming soon- Pickers

Pickerscover01-150Pickers breaks down perfectly into four parts of roughly equal lengths, so I’m releasing it as a serial before collecting it into a single volume. The serial will only be available from Amazon, but it will be in their Select programme. So, if you have Prime or Kindle Unlimited, you can get it for free.

Part 1: The Find and Part 2: The Trip are available to pre-order now. They come out on July 4th and July 18th.

In a climate changed future, Pickers travel the badlands between towns and farms, finding what they can to salvage from before the collapse.

One family of Pickers is about to start a search for a prize that could change everything.

Part 1 of 4- The Find.

Remy, his daughters, and his son in law, are on the hunt for a seed bank, hidden away before climate change crashed everything. The trail has led them to a hidden bunker, and what they find inside is going to set them on a long journey, back to the community they ran away from ten years ago.

Pickerscover02-150Part 2 of 4- The Trip.

Remy, his daughters, and his son in law, have been travelling the badlands for years. But now they have found out about a hidden seed bank in the French Alps. With a grain blight ravaging crops in France, the seed bank could be the only hope of finding resistant strains and saving the country’s remaining towns from starvation.

Remy, Maxine, Veronique and Tony are determined to break into the vault and liberate the seed lines. However, they are in Spain, and they will have to cross the country and get over the Pyrenees before they’re even in France. And then, there is another obstacle. Only one valley over from their destination is the community they ran away from ten years earlier. The people of The Valley would be ideal recipients for a bounty of seeds, but will they welcome Remy and his family back after all these years.

Plans for an anti-Thatcher museum in London to showcase her “genuine terrible legacy”

“I wanted to start this project because I think there’s going to be a serious need to counteract the whitewashed version of Thatcher’s legacy the official museum will present.” says Darren

It’s unlikely the official museum will address Thatcher’s unflinching support for brutal regimes like the Khmer Rouge In Cambodia, Augusto Pinochet in Chile or apartheid South Africa. They’re not going to talk about Thatcher’s implementation of the first anti-gay law in 100 years, Section 28, which was almost identical to Russia’s recent anti-LGBT law.”

“They won’t address how Thatcher oversaw two recessions, massive levels of unemployment, raising poverty and inequality, the devastation of UK manufacturing, deregulation of banks, the Poll Tax and the privatisation of everything from basic utilities to social housing”

An interesting idea, for sure. I reckon there should be a string of alternative museums for famous people, where their successes and failures can be properly measured. Churchill’s begging for one, as is Reagan in the US.

Also, if you say bad things about Maggie, you might make George Osborne cry, and who doesn’t want to see that?

Source: Plans for an anti-Thatcher museum in London to showcase her “genuine terrible legacy” – Mirror Online


A great idea from Airfix. As one of the world’s oldest model companies, they have a huge backlog of discontinued kits, and still possess the moulds for many of them. Now they’re letting modellers choose, Kickstarter style, which ones will get limited run re-releases.

So much nostalgia. So many kits I made and then wrecked, or never got a chance to make. Right now, they’ve only got 1:1 bird kits up, but I’ll be checking back to see what else they offer.

Source: KitStarter / Customer Login Airfix Airfix

Thinking of applying for Britain’s Hardest Grafter? Read this first.

Certain members of the British press, particularly the Daily Mail and the Sun, are evil, poisonous shits. What’s worse is the number of people who read these sad excuses for newspapers and think that they have anything but a heavily filtered and smeared relationship to the truth.

The piece linked to is about the sort of appalling attention you can expect if you’re in the public eye and not the sort of person Paul Dacre and the like approve of, but their rotten world view poisons everything in the end.

Source: Thinking of applying for Britain’s Hardest Grafter? Read this first. | JACK MONROE: COOK, CAMPAIGNER, GUARDIAN COLUMNIST, MOTHER, AUTHOR, ETC.

Taking to the streets

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

I’m not one of life’s chanters. I get all self conscious about it and it never feels comfortable*. Nonetheless, this feels like a year where I need to be in the demos, part of the numbers swelling the crowd, if not part of the noise it makes.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

So, yesterday, I was part of the anti austerity demo which assembled in Piccadilly Gardens. Police say there were 500 of us, the organisers claim 2000. I always presume the truth is halfway between the two claims.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

I was there with some of Salford Greens.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

There were speakers and singers, and, in smaller groups, we headed to the homeless camp on St Ann’s Square. This is one of the reasons it’s hard to get a solid turnout figure, because the demo was fluid, with break aways heading down Market Street or off to Albert Square, and returning, all the time.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

Just to make things more interesting, the Green mini-march bumped into a Hare Krishna procession at the bottom of Market Street.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

And, just as we were entering St Ann’s Square, these guys were coming out. I don’t know if they were associated with the demo in Piccadilly, or doing their own thing.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

This is, mostly, the Manchester Green Party contingent of the demo.

Anti Austerity demo Manchester, May 23rd 2015

Ding Dong. I promised this guy I’d crop his face out if I posted the picture online.

There are a few more photos in the album at Flickr.

*I have weird boundaries. I’ll happily cycle through the city centre without clothes on as part of the World Naked Bike Ride, but I have a hard time talking to new people- no matter the state of our attire- or shouting out rhyming couplets about what I’m doing.

Nicely done Ireland

The country becomes the first in the world to introduce same-sex marriage after a national referendum, with 62 per cent voting yes.

Ireland has voted to recognise same sex marriag, with a turnout of 60%, of whom 62% voted yes to rewording their constitution on the subject of marriage.

Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.


Source: Ireland votes overwhelmingly for gay marriage – Channel 4 News

We Experimented With Powdered Alcohol So You Don’t Have To | WIRED

Do safety concerns around powdered alcohol have any base in reality?

Powdered alcohol is a thing. Don’t know if it will ever be available in the UK. In the US, where it’s not on sale yet, there’s already a huge moral panic over it. Wired had one mad person mix up a home made version to see if there was any basis to the fears.

Result? Of course there wasn’t.

Source: We Experimented With Powdered Alcohol So You Don’t Have To | WIRED

Theresa May’s plan to censor TV shows condemned by Tory cabinet colleague | World news | The Guardian

Former culture secretary Sajid Javid told prime minister he was unable to support home secretary’s proposals as they infringed freedom of speech

It’s not just that the plan would give censorship powers to the Government, it’s that “extremism” is such a vaguely defined thing. Based on past experience, any speech that runs counter to the Government’s chosen narrative can be labelled extreme.

Source: Theresa May’s plan to censor TV shows condemned by Tory cabinet colleague | World news | The Guardian

The 14 Worst Human Rights Myths – RightsInfo

This myth-busting visualization will take news-making human rights stories and explain the reality behind the headline

Prepare to hear the false columns from this repeated over an over for months or years as Gove gets the crayons out and tries to scrawl all over the Human Rights Act.

Source: The 14 Worst Human Rights Myths – RightsInfo

Jet Car!

If you’ve got $30 grand burning a hole in your pocket and want to fight fire with fire, the “pulse jet lakester” is for you.

One of my long list of ideas for models to build was a dry lake speedster based on a V1 flying bomb- take the wings off, make a simple chassis and fit wheels. It’s on hold, along with all my other big model projects.

This guy built something that practically is that project, but in real life.

Source: You Can Buy This Bonkers Jet Car for Just $30K | WIRED

British shipwreck off Uruguay coast could hold treasure worth millions

Salvage of the Lord Clive, sunk by Spanish guns in the River Plate in 1763, is due to begin in months with suspected hoard of cannon and coins the lure

Treasure! And Rum!

Well, maybe rum, it has been underwater for a long time.

Source: British shipwreck off Uruguay coast could hold treasure worth millions | World news | The Guardian